Working towards improving your finances and financial freedom shouldn’t have to be so daunting. You can do so at your own pace as long as you aren’t over your head in debt.
Financial freedom is something that almost every working adult has thought about. Whether it’s ensuring you have enough to cover bills or trying to achieve a financial goal, you’re going to have to learn the basics of money management and finances. However, this can be daunting for some, as it means having to face unhealthy spending habits or cutting down in order to get their finances in a good place. You should know that working towards improving your finances and financial freedom shouldn’t have to be so daunting. You can do so at your own pace as long as you aren’t in a serious ditch.
How to Work Towards Financial Freedom at Your Own Pace Click To Tweet
Be Honest About Where Your Finances Are
This can often be the hardest part for many people but being honest about where your finances are presently is important when working towards financial freedom. If you don’t know where you stand financially, it’s difficult if not impossible to make the necessary changes needed to get you on track. You can start by tracking your expenses over the past two months and making a note of recurring bills. Once you’ve done that, look at other expenses and categorize them whether they be entertainment, basic needs for the kids, leisure, or general personal upkeep.
You should also find out about all the outstanding debts you have and any that you haven’t begun paying off as this could affect your goals of financial freedom. You can use a credit repair company found on websites like or alternatively search through your letters and emails to see if you can find your debtors and how much you owe that way.
Gradually Change Spending Habits
When it comes to attaining financial freedom, bad spending habits can be the enemy of progress. Write down any spending habits that could be impediments to your financial progress and see how you can tackle them one by one. By easy on yourself remembering that bad habits die hard and it may take time and discipline to overcome them. To improve spending habits, you could try keeping a spending journal, only purchasing things you need, and paying with cash for 21 days straight.
Increase Your Knowledge
To achieve financial freedom, often you need the right knowledge. This could be anything from learning more about investment options to learning how to make passive income. The more you know, the more options you’re able to create for yourself when it comes to managing what you have and generating more income. There is an array of resources available for you to pull from including books, podcasts, vlogs, and news sites.
Set Long and Short-Term Goals
To achieve anything in life, you need to set clearly defined goals most of the time. When you’re a mom and entrepreneur especially, you may find that time isn’t always on your time, so setting goals helps you use the little you have wisely. On that note, set goals so that you understand why you’re pursuing financial freedom and how you plan to get there. Some want to achieve financial freedom, so they have more flexibility and can enjoy spending more time with their kids and family. For others, they want to travel vastly during their retirement years. When setting financial goals for your future, separate them into short, medium and long-term. You may want to include things like life insurance in medium goals, while retirement needs may go into your long-term goals.
Auto Save
Saving is extremely important when you’re working towards achieving financial freedom. In order to meet your targets, you need money a lot of the time. You should, therefore, have a percentage of your income automatically come out of your account and go directly into a savings account every month. As an entrepreneur, it’s also important that you think about saving towards retirement as well since you don’t have an employer to help you do it.

Reward Yourself
Giving yourself incentives for meeting your financial goals can be a great way to stay motivated. In your goals, don’t forget to include things that make you happy by budgeting for them. If, for instance, you want a new luxury bag, you could put aside money every month for it and reward yourself with it once you’ve met a major goal you’ve been working towards. This may help give you the motivation you need to stay on track.
Improving your finances isn’t an overnight job. It’s going to take time, discipline and the developing of certain skills. However, if you keep at it and stay focused on the goals you set, you should find it becomes a part of your lifestyle.