Today we are looking at some signs that you should look after your mental health…
Mental health is a big thing for anyone. It can hit us at any time in our lives that we need some help with our mental conditions. Being stressed, anxious or depressed is something no one ever wants to admit to. It can even be hard to tell the signs if you have been feeling this way for a while. This is why today we are looking at some signs that you should look after your mental health.
You are always tired
One of the biggest indicators that you need some help with your mental health is that you are always feeling super tired and lethargic. Being tired can make anyone feel down. If you notice that you are worn out every single day this could be a sign that there is something wrong which needs to be addressed.
You feel stressed
Stress is a major cause of a lot of issues. With the mind and we encounter different types of stress every single day. When it comes to employee & workplace mental health, it’s common for workers to feel a little stressed and worn out. When it starts to become a daily issue this is a sign that you need to ask someone for help. Looking for a lighter workload to take your mind off things helps too.
You struggle sleeping
Sleep is an important function for the body. Everyone needs to get a decent amount of shut-eye each night to stay healthy. If you have been unable to sleep, it could be a sign that you are struggling with your mental health. You should seek some help to overcome it all. Rather than heading straight for the sleeping pills try to get to the cause of the issue. The proper help can make all the difference.
You can’t have fun
One obvious sign that you are struggling with your mental health is if you can’t have fun. It could be that even when you are out doing something fun with your loved ones that your heart just isn’t in it. We can often feel this way and it is crucial that you communicate your feelings with the people around you and take the time to really work out what the cause of your feelings is. Once you know you can work on this with the support of those around you and be healthy once more.

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You are putting on or losing weight
Putting on weight in a short space of time can be a sign that you are struggling to get up and leave the house to do things you enjoy. Losing weight can be a sign of loss of appetite which can often be the result of stress and feeling sick. Make sure that you always take the time out to look after your body because this can also have an effect on your mind.