Here are some tips that will help to keep things organized, save you time, and allow you to focus on both your family and school life.
For anyone enrolled in the family nurse practitioner degree program, the amount of work can really start to pile up, but what happens if you are also trying to juggle your family life at the same time? Earning your online FNP degree will give you the opportunity to have your dream career, but first you need to get through the program! Here are some tips you can use around the house that will help to keep things organized, save you time, and allow you to focus on both your personal and school life.
How to Manage Your Family and School at the Same Time Click To Tweet
Study in the Evenings
If you have a baby or young child who is not yet at school-age, then your days are likely pretty full. It seems to be a never-ending cycle of feedings, cleaning up messes, entertaining them, and errands. It really doesn’t leave much time for studying. Instead of pressuring yourself into getting both done at once, it can be worthwhile to set up a schedule that allows you to do your studies in the evening.
Once your little one has gone to bed, you can take advantage of the peace and quiet and really focus on your school work. You will likely be able to get through double the material when you’ve got no interruptions.
Make Use of Naptimes
Your young child or baby likely takes a couple of naps through the day. While these may not be enough time to get much studying done, you can use it for other things. You can prepare a meal in advance so all you need to do is reheat, you can do a bit of organizing around the house, or even take that time to relax yourself.
Plan Your Time in Advance
Many people find that creating a plan or schedule can also help to fit everything in. It helps to keep you on task so you don’t have to worry “what needs to be done next”. This plan/schedule can apply to your home life and your studies. This plan should be shared with your family members so that everyone is aware of your schedule.
Let the Little Things Go
This is perhaps the most important tip of all. Learning to let the little things go is a lot easier said than done. If you were used to having time to get everything done, and you had a great balance before you started school, then it can be tough to adjust. If the chores go un-done for an extra day or two, you don’t have time to make that big fancy meal so you resort to pizza, or the laundry pile is a bit bigger than usual, these aren’t things to worry about. There is no need to put added stress on your plate.
There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel
The wonderful thing about earning your degree is that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Your studies will eventually be completed, you will earn that degree, and you will be able to land that perfect job. So, on those days where it seems everything is going on, remember to keep the goal in mind.
We can understand how difficult it is for a working from home mom to manage their work-life balance. This is a really helpful post for those moms to make things easier. Great job @Nicole.