Earning income at home when you have small children in the house is almost impossible for most people
Earning income at home when you have small children in the house is almost impossible for most people. There are just too many other things that will occupy your time. However, those of you with an entrepreneurial spirit could create steady income streams if you’re smart. You just have to think outside of the box and accept that you aren’t suitable for traditional employment. With that in mind, there is lots of advice on this page to help you make a start. You just need to read this information and then apply it to your situation. Depending on the ages of your children, you might have to consider working part-time first. Even so, you can always increase your working hours as they grow and begin to attend school. Who knows? By that time you might have a thriving business on your hands. Now, wouldn’t that be nice?
The Mompreneur's Guide To Earning Income With Toddlers At Home Click To Tweet
Finding freelance work online
One of the easiest ways to earn income from home involves using the best freelancing websites. There are plenty of them around these days, and the process is more straightforward than you might imagine. In most instances, you just need to open a free account and create a profile page. You can upload your portfolio because that will make you appear more attractive. You then bid for jobs advertised on the website based on how much you would charge. It’s the perfect solution for anyone with a good command of the English language. There are always many writing tasks available that anyone could perform. If you have skills in graphic design, you will find it even easier to earn money.
Starting a home business
Choosing the best home business concept could take a long time. So, it’s wise to start researching your options as soon as possible. There are lots of opportunities out there for people with the right skills and levels of motivation. Perhaps you could launch a website and use affiliate marketing to make a killing? Maybe you have expertise that is valuable to other business owners? If so, nothing is stopping you from launching an advice or consultancy service. At the end of the day, the final decisions are down to you. You are the person who knows your abilities best, and so you just need to work out how to apply them. Also, ensure you register your company officially and always submit your tax returns before the deadline.
Arranging childcare for a few hours every day
Most mothers want to spend their day looking after their children. However, we all need to ensure we take a realistic approach. You’ll struggle to sit down at your laptop and earn money if your kids are always at home. For that reason, you should try to arrange childcare for a couple of hours every day. That will give you enough time to complete the most complicated parts of your job. You can then work on nap and meal times to ensure you get some peace and quiet. Again, depending on the ages of your kids, there could be many options available. Just search online for local childminders, and don’t overlook the possibility of placing your little ones in a nursery.
Remaining flexible in your approach
If you want to earn a living from home successfully, you’ll have to stay flexible in your approach. That is because there is no way of knowing when issues might arise at home. You’re not going to leave your child crying when they bang their head just because you have a deadline to meet. So, do your best to ensure you always have lots of time to complete and submit your work. That way, things that happen at home shouldn’t affect your ability to provide for your family. You will just have to take a deep breath, deal with the problem, and then continue working after.
Making weekly meals at the weekend
Preparing meals for your kids always takes a lot of time, and you probably want to earn as much as possible during your working day. Considering that, you might like to think ahead and get everything ready in advance. If you plan your meals at the weekend, you can head out to the local store to purchase all the ingredients. You can then cook and prepare all your meals on Sunday when you don’t have much else to do. Place them in your freezer and just stick them in the microwave each day. That would allow you to feed your children and have a healthy meal on their plates in a matter of minutes. While they’re eating, you can continue with your work.
Involving your children in the process
There is no getting away from that fact that some kids require constant attention. If you have a child like that; you might want to involve them in your money-making exercises. It would keep them occupied, but it should also mean you get some peace. Perhaps you could start a business aimed at people in their age group? That way, you could test out any new ideas or products on your little ones. Maybe you could even use them as a model for your brand? If you’ve started an advice service for single mothers, you could use stunning photos of your children all over your website. In truth, there are a million and one ways to involve your kids, and so you just need to think outside of the box.
Nobody wants to feel like their working life has ended just because they’ve had kids. So, take the advice from this page and use it to turn things around. It’s always going to be harder to earn money when you have to spend your time caring for children. However, it’s certainly not impossible if you have the right outlook. Working from home requires levels of motivation you probably haven’t reached in the past. Bear that in mind when choosing the right path for you. Remember, you won’t earn a cent if you don’t sit down at your desk and work hard for at least a couple of hours every single day.
Hi Nicole,
My kids are all grown up but now it’s the grandkids running around and in/out of my office. 🙂
Thanks for sharing these tips – it really is a challenge (I’m putting it nicely 😉 ) to get any work done with the huercos around, hehe. The tips you shared here sure can make things easier – especially meal planning on the weekend.
Passing this along. Have a great day and week!
Hi Nicole, I have been connected with thousands of work at home moms and understand the difficulties they face working from home with toddlers. This is really a great article that points out the same with really cool solutions. It’s a good read and am going to share it along my social channels.