Las Vegas mom starts a home based marketing business
It’s a brand new Monday morning and a perfect day to shine the spotlight our next mompreneur rockstar. Her name is Desiree Wolfe and she is in the marketing business. There is a twist though. She doesn’t just market her own business but she teaches others the skills they need in order for them to market and grow their own business as well. This mama started her business from rock bottom as a single mom and has now developed several services that turned her into the rockin’ mompreneur that she is today. Continue reading to learn more about this sassy marketing mama.
Hello Desiree, Tell us a little about yourself:
I am Desiree Wolfe, founder of Desiree Marketing and creator of the Mama Owned Business. While I’m no longer a single mom I now have two small humans who call me mom and they are 1 and 6. Luckily, I work from home and am able to spend an over abundance of time with them. Like two itchy rashes that never leave. *Insert Sarcastic Grin Here*. We live outside of Las Vegas and when I’m not digging into the latest marketing trends, you can find us riding dirt bikes, dancing in the living and watching lots of movies. I am sassy, sarcastic and edgy and that is reflected in just about everything I do.
What inspired you to start become a marketing coach?
I was a single mom with a mortgage and left a soul-sucking job, with no back up plan. My business started out as a way to make ends meet while I searched for a job. What I discovered was that I loved helping others grow their businesses and what people lacked was marketing skills or the strategies to implement their awesome ideas. I took my years of small business, marketing and event planning experience and it has grown into a marketing strategy business that I am absolutely in love with.
Need a few marketing tips? Read Top 4 kick ass marketing tools every business must have in 2014

What is MOB School?
MOB School is the Mama Owned Business School. The program started as a 8 week business training course but it is morphing into a whole community of Mamapreneurs, sharing their experiences and networking in addition to using the training program.
What can new members expect to learn from MOB School?
In MOB School, Mama’s can expect to learn everything from business mindset exercises, business and marketing planning as well as email and social media marketing skills, public relations tips and I share tips from time management experts as well.
What 1 tip can you share that has helped you “keep it together” as a mom and business owner?
My #1 tip to help keep it together is to wake up before the kids. Have some time to yourself to prepare for the day. Have your coffee or tea. Review your calendar and work on projects that require attention to detail. Get yourself ready for the day by getting dressed and showing up in your business.
Favorite website you like to browse for just for fun:
My favorite fun website is the blog – Moms Who Drink and Swear – she makes me feel almost normal. HAHA! I also love daydreaming when I’m on Pinterest.

Desiree Wolfe is the Founder of Desiree Marketing – helping stuck entrepreneurs create marketing strategies to make their business boom. Desiree is also the creator of Mama Owned Business – an online community for Mamapreneurs to get their butts in gear for building their business. It’s Desiree’s mission to give business owners the motivation and the tools they need to get themselves unstuck and to the next level. She’s sarcastic, edgy and often called the Madame of Marketing. Her online world lives at
Connect with Desiree
Twitter: @DesireeMktg
Facebook: DesireeMarketing
Pinterest: desireewolfe
Youtube: Desiree Marketing TV
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*Blushing* Thanks so much Nicole! You are serious awesomesauce!
Awe, thank you Desiree! I think you’re pretty awesome as well 🙂 So happy to have conneted with you!