Christina Caldwell, founder of Coco Mommy, offers virtual assistant services to mom entrepreneurs
It’s time to put the spotlight on another fabulous mompreneur. Today’s Mompreneur Rockstar features a mom we could all use in our business. Her name is Christina Caldwell and she offers virtual assistant services to mompreneurs. Read on to learn about her business and how she came up with her cute business name.

Tell us about yourself
My name is Christina Caldwell & I am the Founder & CEO of Coco Mommy & Caldwell Communications. Coco Mommy serves as a resource center for other mompreneurs and provides virtual assistant services to those in need of support. Caldwell Communications is the marketing & PR side of my business. I am a mompreneur because of my funny, sweet, gorgeous 23 month old baby girl. I’m also happily married to the most loving & kind man God has ever created.
How did you come up with “Coco Mommy” as your business name?
My daughter’s nickname since she was in the womb has always been Coco & other children who came around her when she was just a tiny baby would call me Coco Mommy. They never said it in a possessive form, & it became sort of a new identity to me. Childlike speech is musical to me & I always love hearing them say it, so it was a no brainer to me that this is what I wanted to name my business. She literally is the only reason I can proudly call myself a mompreneur.
What inspired you to become a virtual assistant?
I genuinely love helping people solve problems & helping them to realize that they can create more time for their families and other parts of life that interest them.
How can a virtual assistant help a mom entrepreneur?
Oh my goodness, there are so many ways. I feel that mom entrepreneurs can benefit the most from a virtual assistant. We get so used to being a one woman show that we rarely ever ask for outside help from a virtual assistant or even a nearby personal assistant but it’s necessary in order to have a successful business and to be our best selves as mothers, partners, and friends.
Tell us about your “30 DAY JOYFUL LADY BOOST CAMP “

The 30 DAY JOYFUL LADY BOOST CAMP is a total life revamp. Every area of life is assessed from your diet, to your business practices, and more. I help my clients to
find a more joyful way to live and do business. It’s an exciting thing for me to create a breakthrough for someone who has been missing out on the joy in their life for so long.
What is the biggest challenge you face as a mom entrepreneur?
The biggest challenge would have to be unplugging & keeping work from interfering with my personal life. My office is literally steps away from the kitchen so if I get a new idea or want to finish parts of a project I have to stop myself from doing that. So creating that separation between home and work is definitely a challenge, but it’s a work in progress.
What 1 tip can you share that has helped you “keep it together” as a mom and business owner?
You have to take care of yourself first. Your child will always need you in some way and your business will always require your attention. It’s important that you create time in the day to rejuvenate yourself because it’s hard to let creativity and joy flow when you’re irritated and haven’t taken the time to address what you need.
1 thing you do for yourself to unwind from it all
Go for a jog. I love being outside so I’ll lace up my sneakers and download some upbeat music and run myself happy. It always helps me get clarity and shake off anything that’s been pressing on my mind.

Christina Caldwell, the woman behind Coco Mommy, is an acclaimed women’s issues writer whose work has been featured by Forbes and Slate. She has also provided commentary on the National Public Radio station “To the Point”. She has done extensive research & work in the areas of maternal mortality, parental leave, family dynamics, & the glass ceiling effect on women & minorities for reputable print and online publications.
Her personal experience as a full time working mom fueled her desire to start a network solely devoted to bringing out the joy in all aspects of life for mothers. In 2012 she established her business, Coco Mommy, an online platform that provides resources to mothers who choose to overcome the challenges of growing a family & a business with the spirit of determination & triumph.
Connect with Christina
Twitter: @cocomommytweets
Pinterest: @cocomommypins
Instagram: @agirlnamedtutu
Facebook: Coco-Mommy
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