Utah Mom creates the first and only reusable diaper extensions to relieve parents from the infamous diaper blowout
It’s time for another Mompreneur Rockstar Interview and today have the honor of introducing to you a mom who has solved one of our most feared messes. A mess that seams to only happen when we are away from home and only when we do not have any extra changes of clothes. You might have seen our next guest on Canada’s popular show Dragon’s Den. Meet Melanie Miller. Her Parent Tested Parent Approved award winning invention is putting a stop to the most feared “diaper blowout”. Continue reading below to learn just how she is becoming a life saver to millions of moms who dread these nasty messes at home, on the road, or where ever they may be.
Welcome to Mompreneur Media Melanie! Please tell us a little about yourself.
My name is a Melanie Miller and I am a Mompreneur. A Mompreneur is the perfect way to describe me. Running a business while at the same time running a household takes commitment, calm, and courage. Do I always embody these traits? Absolutely not, but I try my hardest. To sum myself up, I am a mother who loves my family, has a passion for business, and who wants to share my solutions to some of the messiest situations of parenthood. I have always dreamt of owning my own business and I wanted to take advantage of the wonderful freedoms we enjoy as Americans, having the ability to determine our own future.
The inspiration for my products came from my messy diapering experiences as a mother of three boys (with a girl on the way!!!). As my babies went through the diaper blowout stage I was frustrated when I could not find a solution to this messy problem. I would live in fear of the dreaded blowout mess which would ruin my outings, baby clothes, bedding and car seat covers. When I created the Blowout Blocker I thought maybe other mothers would benefit also. I started testing the product with friends and family and found that there was definitely a need for the Blowout Blocker. The Blowout Blocker is the solution to those dreaded up-the-back diaper blowouts that create a great deal of stress and mess for parents with infants. The Blowout Blocker acts as an extension to any standard disposable or cloth diaper, reaching up the back of the baby to contain the blowout mess for fast, easy and stress free cleanup!
As my babies became toddlers they started to experience nighttime leaks that would cause them to wake up in the middle of the night requiring a full change of clothes and bedding. At this point I just turned the Blowout Blocker to the front of my child to catch the leakage that escaped from the front and sides. With some minor adjustments to the Blowout Blocker the Soaker Stopper was born. The Soaker Stopper wraps around the front and sides of the child to catch leaks that escape the diaper.

What kind of approximate start-up costs were involved in getting The Blowout Blocker from concept to launch mode?
It took about $10,000 to develop the concept and launch the products. There were patent fees, web design fees, product development costs and manufacturing costs involved.
Please provide 1 trial or setback you have had and how you overcame it?
There are many trials I faced when developing my products, however, manufacturing was a challenge I had to address right from the start. I originally thought that I would be able to manufacture the products myself, but found very quickly that there would be no time for me to do that. I wanted to keep my manufacturing in the USA, however, there are not many manufacturing companies in the USA that would work with a startup company like mine and at a price I could afford. After a lot of searching I finally was able to get in contact with another small business owner who was manufacturing in the USA and who connected me with her manufacturer (usually companies are not willing to offer up that information).
Please provide 1 marketing tip that will help a mom looking to market her own product.
In today’s online world, marketing with the help of Bloggers is a great way to get the word out about new products. I started off approaching Mommy Bloggers, offering them free product in exchange for them posting.

Baby Blowout Blocker products transcend the cloth and disposable diaper markets with the first and only reusable diaper extensions! The Blowout Blocker and Soaker Stopper are proven to relieve parents from the stress and mess of diaper blowouts and leaks! Created by a frustrated mother who was tired of living in fear of the infamous diaper blowout and nighttime diaper leaks, Baby Blowout Blocker products provide parents with the security needed to enjoy every moment with their little ones instead of fearing those disastrous messes. Parents have enough to worry about, now diaper leaks don’t have to be one of them.
Connect with Blowout Blocker
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/babyblowoutblocker
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/BBlowoutBlocker
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/bblowoutblocker
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5LoTurfYG6dJh1T82kE2xw
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