Mississippi mom joins the first direct-sales company to market and sell online through social media
- Christi Nichols on the cover of Younique Magazine
Welcome to another wonderful mompreneur Monday where I your host Nicole Orozco has the great honor to interview a mompreneur and present her to you each Monday. Today I have a the honor to introduce you to Christi Nichols. Now I actually met Christi about a year ago or so when she connected with me to become a member of Mompreneur Media.
I also purchased and fell in love with some of Christi’s products. WARNING I am wearing no makeup in the first picture click at your own risk! You can see a before post, an after post, and a special pricing post just for YOU!!
Christi Nichols is an Independent Younique Presenter who has grown her team to over 125 presenters. She is a prime example of a woman who never imagined she could accomplish so much but did. Through Christi’s hard work and faith in God and some fabulous cosmetics to help her along the way, she has been able to reach sales of over $10,000. Continue reading below to learn more about Christi and her Younique journey!
Welcome to Mompreneur Media Christi! Please tell us about yourself.
My name is Christi Nichols and I have 4 kids 7-14 and I LOVE Younique!! I’ve been in direct sales off and in for a few years, but never could find the right fit for me. Until…I found Younique Products!! I joined out of impulse and fell in love! I love my job because I get to help women change their lives whether customers or presenters by helping them feel beautiful inside and out and to be successful! I truly care for my team and I want to see them succeed more than myself! I thank God for leading me to Younique and for guiding through this Journey to glorify Him!!
How did you first learn about Younique?
I found Younique on Facebook around 2:30 am one night while laying bed restless and couldn’t sleep. It was “ground-floor opp” & I tried to ignore it but it was like God was pulling me to it. So I finally gave in and said to myself ” What do I have to lose?”, if I do nothing with it I would still have a lot of awesome makeup for only $99! And… Here I am 15 months later.
{Click here to get your fabulous Moodstruck Collection kit!}
What sets Younique apart from the rest?
I feel that we are different and above all other companies because our founders are the most genuine people you will ever find in corporate America and they truly believe in and live to fulfill our company’s mission to “uplift, empower, validate, and ultimately build self-esteem in women around the world….” They work daily to help us fulfill that mission as well. We are a “Sisterhood” & we have the best compensation plan in the industry.
What are the benefits of being an Independent Younique Presenter?
You get to be a part of a family that supports and motivates each other to uplift others and to help women everywhere feel beautiful and look beautiful inside and out. You get to be at the ground floor of a company that is going to be “bigger than Estée Lauder”. You get to work ANYWHERE from your phone or tablet and set your own hours, we get paid EVERY 3-3.5 hours, NO FEES EVER!!
What 1 tip can you share that has helped you “keep it together” as a mom and business owner?
Set a schedule and post it and share it, so that your family and your team know when you are available to them.
Your favorite website you like to browse for fun:
YouTube and Facebook because it keeps me entertained, I also like to just google crazy things my kids come up with. LOL

Christi Nichols is an Independent Younique Presenter. Younique cosmetics is the first direct-sales company to market and sell through the use of social media. As an Independent Younique Presenter, Christi Nichols has grown her team to over 125 and has reached sales of over $10,000. Her passion to uplift, empower, validate, and build self-esteem in women around the world through the Younique opportunity has made this possible. You can join Christi’s team and her mission to empower women and build a lucrative business by signing up today!
Connect with Christi Nichols
Twitter: http://bit.ly/Christi_nichols
Pinterest: http://bit.ly/christinicholspinterest
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