You could find yourself feeling more relaxed in your very own woodland sanctuary
Full-time working moms are 40% more stressed than women without children who work full-time. Finding time and space to take a break from being a mompreneur can be difficult. By spending a few minutes each day in a woodland sanctuary in your garden, you could find yourself feeling more relaxed. Studies show that exposure to green environments can improve your mood. Phytochemicals emitted by trees are linked with lowering the risk for many chronic illnesses. Creating a woodland sanctuary in your very own garden is easy and could help you get fitter, feel less stressed, anxious or depressed and even live longer.
A Shaded Sanctuary
If you are lucky enough to already have some trees in an area of your garden, mimic a natural woodland by planting shade loving shrubs, such as ferns and hostas, beneath them. Once planted, the hardy shrubs and trees of a woodland garden will require little maintenance. With the addition of a rustic bench and decorative lighting, you can create a welcoming sanctuary where you can sit and enjoy your garden in the evening. This will make the most of its stress-busting properties after a hard day at work.
The Tranquility of Trees
If you are planting trees for the first time in your garden, pick a couple that will grow fast. Poplars and birch, grow fast and you can start to benefit from the peaceful

Photo by Daniel Frese from Pexels
The Benefits of Gardening
Doing a little light work in the garden can be good for your heart and improve your health. Even just by spending 10 minutes a week in your garden you could improve your cardiovascular fitness. Thus, resulting in a roughly 20% lower risk of mortality. The combination of fresh air and exercise is also a great mood booster and provides an escape from everyday worries.
A woodland garden is simple to design and, once established, easy to maintain. This will give you time to enjoy its benefits, making it a sanctuary in which to relax day and night, away from the stress of a busy, modern lifestyle.