There is a lot of talk about technology startups and the lack of female technology entrepreneurs in the industry.
There is a lot of talk about technology startups and the lack of female technology entrepreneurs in the industry. However, there are plenty of mompreneurs who started off with nothing but a vision and built huge success. There are also plenty of misconceptions surrounding women at the workplace and in leadership positions. They are certainly not as emotional and easy to influence as one might think. Women’s natural traits and talents can provide an asset for any startup or tech company. Find out more below.
1. Perseverance
Women are less focused on more immediate results, and better grounded. They have a strong mission and vision, no matter if it is personal or related to their business. They expect difficulties and challenges, and are ready to face them. For many women, success comes harder than for male counterparts. This is the reason they are less likely to give up, and carry on until they succeed. Perseverance is important in every business, but if you are building a venture based on research and technology, you need to have the motivation to carry on despite the difficulties.
2. Multitasking
Men often joke about women being able to multitask, but it is a fact that they are better at it. They can manage multiple projects, listen to a podcast while working out, and make tea while listening to clients. Multitasking is a skill that is important when it comes to technology startups. Women can manage people, resources, research projects, and finances at the same time, which means that they get things done or managed accordingly.
3. Willingness to Learn
Most women have a strong drive to learn new skills. It might have something to do with their confidence. They need to have a CV two or three times stronger than a man’s to get noticed. At the same time, they enjoy learning. A woman can nail an online electrical engineering technology degree because she will ask questions. She might not go to bed until she knows the answers or understands the procedure completely. She will be proactive to seek help and set up a meeting with her tutor when she is stuck.
4. Integrity
Women pay a lot of attention to integrity. It might be personal or professional. They will take into consideration the interest of all stakeholders instead of going for profits only. The reputation of the company is one of its greatest assets, therefore, businesses started or led by female managers are more likely to be open transparent, and democratic. Female leaders will listen and take into consideration the views of other people in the organization, and many of them will operate based on the “do no harm” principle.
5. Building Bridges
Women are also great at negotiation. They will be determined to build bridges, get people in the same room, discuss different options, and find the common values and goals. This is not only useful when it comes to negotiating a deal, but also improving employee retention, commitment, and productivity. When it comes to collaboration between researchers and companies, women will find a deal that is beneficial for all parties.
6. Sense of Ownership
Female leaders will learn the job they are expecting their employees to do. They will stay up to date with the latest technology, and understand the processes, so they can help their workers make the most out of their productivity, schedule, and working conditions. They take ownership for their actions and decisions, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t listen to anyone. In fact, great female leaders are facilitators.
7. Methodology Approach
Women understand that they work better with systems, and they are not afraid of using them. When it comes to marketing software, systems, and sales funnel design, they will realize the value behind the structure, and the fact that they are able to retrieve data that will help them make better decisions. They are aware of their limitations and happy to follow a path that is proven to get results.
8. Analytical Skills
Women gather information and create strategies based on statistics. This is an important skill that is useful when creating a research and development program, implementing or testing new technologies, or simply finding out more about the latest methods and tools. Women in technology are less likely to make decisions based on what others say; they will gather business intelligence and weigh their options. Women want to go for the best results, so they are more likely to analyze risks and threats, complete a SWOT analysis, and improve the predicted outcomes.
9. Solution-focused Approach
Women are usually focused on the solution, and not on the problem. Creating solutions for companies and customers is what drives tech startups and companies forward. Whenever they come across a challenge or a holdup, they are going to actively seek a solution, instead of procrastinating. Women make great technology entrepreneurs because they align the interest of their market and their company’s.
10. Creating a Story
Women are also great at creating a brand story. This can make any technology business more attractive and less boring. Storytelling is a great trait, and it can create emotional connections with potential customers. This will improve the marketing conversion rates, the reputation, and the business relationships the venture has. Creating a powerful story and a brand message will help the organization achieve its goals. Providing insider information for clients, talking about the idea and the struggles is the best way to make a brand more relatable.
11. Strong Vision
Female leaders are driven by the strong vision they have for the future, their customers, or the community. They work hard because they would like to make a difference. This drive is often more powerful than working for profits or fame. Leaders with a strong vision are able to share their enthusiasm with their workers and business partners, and create a momentum that leads to great success in the long run. According to some experts, a strong mission and vision statement is one of the elements of successful businesses.
12. Collaboration Skills
When it comes to technology, testing, integration, innovation, and research, collaboration has a huge importance. Women are not only good at working with people from all walks of life, but they can also bring people together and facilitate discussion and collaboration. When it comes to starting a new project, implementing a new technology, finding out about other industry players’ views and challenges, women can be an asset to any organization. Entrepreneurs will check the different aspects of the problem, sit down with all the stakeholders, and create a solution that will benefit all.

13. Strong Values
Women also have strong values and guiding principles. Some people call this pragmatism, while others simply respect that they have a solid foundation in life. No matter how you look at the question, having the strong values will improve the quality of the leadership, while creating engagement in the organization and a positive culture. Communicating leadership values is a challenge for many leaders, but women often have an advantage, as they can show their passion and commitment which makes it easier to get other people on board.
The lack of female technology entrepreneurs is widely documented. However, it might be time to face the misconceptions and find the personality traits and skills of women that make them great leaders in competitive and technology-driven industries. When it comes to facilitating conversations and collaboration, creating a strong mission and vision, or a brand story, women have a lot to give to organizations and industries.