Here are some important aspects to your brushing that you might not be doing.
It can be difficult to look your best when you are a busy mother. Whether it is a child spilling their ice cream down that new dress you liked or the lack of sleep making you look like you have never slept, there is always something in the way of looking amazing. That is one of the reasons why it is so important to look after your teeth. They are often the first thing that people notice about you, especially when you are forcing that first smile of the day, so on top of the health benefits it is highly important to keep them as white as can be. So, what are the best ways to look after your teeth?
Brushing regularly
Everyone knows that you should brush your teeth twice a day. It is one of the first things that you learn in life. Walking. Talking. Brush twice a day. However, there are some important aspects to your brushing that you might not be doing. If you make sure that you follow these steps it will improve the look of your teeth in no time as well as the effectiveness of your brushing.
Firstly, make sure that you change your toothbrush regularly. The longer that you keep your brush, the less effective the bristles will be at cleaning your teeth. Make sure that you change it often. At least every two months.
Secondly, if you have eaten an acidic food or have had an acidic drink, wash your mouth out with water before brushing. That will remove the acid and prevents it from being pushed into the tooth enamel when you brush. Keeping to a healthy diet will help your teeth, and your skin, too, so keeping your intake of acidic food to a minimum will work wonders.
The importance of flossing is severely overlooked. It is an incredibly helpful tool to keep your teeth looking their best though. Flossing will help to remove remnants of food and bacteria from between your teeth. When they are removed it will stop plaque and tartar from building up. This will help to keep your teeth whiter and healthier in the long term.
It is important to make sure that you are careful when flossing as being too aggressive can damage your teeth. Make sure that you take your time and are gentle. Do not pull at your teeth, just work the floss in between the teeth carefully.

Professional cleaning and whitening
Of course, if this still has not got your teeth up to your required standard then the professionals can help. Not only can they remove tough tartar that has built up, they can also whiten your teeth to enhance their appearance. Teeth whitening is now offered by most dental practitioners and is generally a pain-free experience, however, there can be slight discomfort similar to that you would feel when having your teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist.
Dental problems impact most people throughout their lives but with frequent brushing and flossing, plus regular check-ups by a dentist, many issues can be prevented and quickly dealt with if they do arise.