If you’re running a business all by yourself, things are going to get tough.
If you’re running a business all by yourself, things are going to get tough. Not only do you have to run the show, you’ve got to perform customer service as well and of course, you have to manage every single aspect of your business.
Things can go wrong quickly, but worst of all, your business might not even be noticed if you haven’t put the time and effort into marketing and promotion. If you’re doing all the hard work behind the scenes, the very least that you deserve is to have people purchase your products. After all, you’re doing almost everything right, but that won’t matter if people don’t know about who you are and what you do.
How To Make Sure Your Business Is UnforgettableClick To Tweet
It’s time to have a small talk about promotion. Your business needs to be unforgettable.
The first step is step back from your business and evaluate it. What purpose do you serve? Do you even know? Take the time to profile your business and give yourself reasons why you differ from the competition. It’s imperative that you perform this step as you’ll need to become the expert on your own business if you’re not already. Try and sum up what you and your business offer in a twenty second speech. This is not only your classic ‘elevator pitch’, it’s also a good way to determine the keywords of your business.
Keywords are something you’re going to need to weaponize to make the most out of your web presence. If your website isn’t in shape, get that sorted out or hire someone who will. Your website is crucial to your success, and if it’s not looking good, it’s going to turn people off. Back to keywords, though. If you’re blogging about business regularly, insert the keywords you discovered into your blogs. It’s all about optimizing your site for search engines as this is where you will be noticed. You should know the purpose you serve and what you offer to customers by this point, so take advantage of that and litter your site with keywords that will attract your customers.

It’s not just about interacting in digital terms; you probably need to get noticed by real people in the real world! Make sure you go to relevant networking events and meet people. You could be meeting a potential collaborator or affiliate. The more people you know who can assist you during your solo business years, the better. You don’t have to do it all alone! Remember to leave your mark with business cards, or even with a unique option. You can put your logo on USBs from Dynamic Gift and ensure that you’re unforgettable. The recipient might really appreciate the gift.
As you may know, it’s going to be a hard path. Working on your own and driving forward by yourself always will. Just ensure you don’t neglect to get your name out there. Doing all the hard work and forgetting to promote yourself and your business will damage your prospects in the short-term and possibly even in the future. Make sure you’re doing everything well, try not to excel in one area and forget the rest!
Such a helpful post here Nicole and very timely for me. Have bookmarked it so I can use it to rack my intentions to do as you suggest.
Kind regards,
Anita Dow