Just imagine traveling anywhere in the world and taking in a variety of cultures
Just imagine traveling anywhere in the world and taking in a variety of cultures. Oh wait, you can’t because you have to study. Yep, your university education costs a lot of money, so you can’t drop everything on a whim to go traveling.
Here is everything you need to know about traveling the world while studying.Click To Tweet
Or can you?
As luck would have it, studying doesn’t mean you can’t travel the world. In fact, some people say the two go together like salt and pepper. The reason is that universities are flexible, which means there are lots of opportunities to globe-trot and study at the same time. So, what are you waiting for? The whole world is at your fingertips! Oh, right, you need to know the tricks that can make it happen. Okay, that’s fine because all you have to do is look at the advice below. The following is everything you need to know about seeing the world during further education.
Travel During Holidays
Normally, the holidays wouldn’t be a superb time to go away because you wouldn’t have enough time. Indeed, if you were still at school you would get a couple of weeks maximum. University is different as the vacation time is a lot more expansive. During the Christmas and Easter holidays, students get from one month to six weeks vacation time. And, when the summer comes around, you can multiply that by three. Yes, the three months you get off during the summer is the best time to pack your bags and hit the road. It will seem a little short to begin with but think of it as a taster for when the course finishes. Plus, not many people get to travel while organizing their life. If you’re worried about money, don’t be because you can do it for free. A volunteer program, for instance, doesn’t cost a penny other than the price of the flights.
Take A Gap Year
Ah, the gap year. What a time to be alive! Unlike those of us that live in the ‘real world,’ a gap year gives you the time you need to find out more about your character. And, you can walk straight back onto the course after the year is over. For an employer of a company to do that they would have to quit and find a new position when they returned home. You don’t have to worry about that, though, because almost every university will accommodate your needs. All you have to do is talk to them a few months before the end of the final term. That way, you will both have enough time to sort out the administrative details. Let’s face it – you don’t want to deal with the hassle while you’re traveling.
Study Schemes
Universities want their students to learn, and they understand that learning is more than reading a textbook. After all, there is only so much theoretical work you can do before you need practical experience. So, there are plenty of colleges willing to let their students take the year to study abroad at a partner university. In simple terms, you’ll move to the country for the year and experience their way of life and education system. And, no, this isn’t the same as a gap year. A gap year is a year out of education, whereas this scheme means you will still study. And for the same reasons as the next option, it will make you more likely to travel said country.
Study Abroad
‘How is studying abroad different to studying at home? I mean why would I travel more?’ It’s a good question because the answer doesn’t stare you straight in the face. The truth is, however, that students who study abroad do tend to travel more as they are in the right frame of mind. Also, the location is crucial. Imagine you are studying in America in New York or Los Angeles. During the term time, life is going to be the same as life back home apart from the differences in culture. So, you will study hard and work like a mad person. But, when you do get time off, the fact that you’re in the US will encourage you to explore. You might hire a car and drive up or down the West Coast, or you might hit the Appalachian Mountains, but you will do something. Traveling during the holidays is a killer idea, but it also takes a lot of determination to make it happen. If you’re already abroad, it’s much easier to take the first step.
Take An Online Course
The best thing about an online course is the fact that you can do it from anywhere in the world. That isn’t an over-exaggeration by the way. As long as you have an internet connection, you can be thousands of miles away experiencing new cultures and societies. All you have to do is sign up to an organizational leadership degree online or whatever course takes your fancy, and enroll. Once you are on the books, you can start planning the trip of a lifetime. Obviously, there are a few things to consider before you make it official. For example, you have to keep up with the study schedule, which means you can’t slack off while you’re abroad. Also, an internet connection is a must, so you can’t go anywhere too remote. Once you take care of these issues, the world is your oyster.
Find A Job
‘Wait a minute – working isn’t the same as studying!’ No, it isn’t, but you won’t be doing a regular nine to five. The jobs you want to look out for are the ones which are fulfilling. There are bosses around the globe that want to further their employees’ lives, and they will pay for the privilege. For example, they will give you a job with the chance to study for a master’s degree. They know that both parties will benefit from the deal, so it’s a no-brainer. If you secure a position such as this abroad, there is another advantage – traveling.
The moral of this post – don’t let your education get in the way of a good time!