Look into the best training programs and the ‘need to know’ tips and tricks your employees should absolutely be trained in
The world of work is full of employees; those who cook you your burger at your favorite fast food restaurant when you need to be back at work in five minutes, those who heal up all your cuts and scrapes in the hospital, and those who sit at a desk for five hours cracking out emails and invoices are all indispensable parts of the corporate system. But even so, employees can often get a lot of flak for who they are and what they do.
Whether it’s because a customer thinks they’re too slow at their job, or a more experienced employee won’t stop shouting at a new employee, there’s a lot someone can go through for your business. And if you run your own business, you have at least one employee on your payroll! Employees are what makes running a company a lot easier, and they’re who you can always rely on when it comes to building a good reputation and servicing the customers in the best way possible. But only if you trained them right in the first place!
Sure, your employees should have some kind of experience under their belt, but in a world filled to the brim with ‘entry’ level jobs demanding years of work to already be completed, this is practically impossible. So now’s the time to look into the best training programs and the ‘need to know’ tips and tricks your employees should absolutely be trained in.
The hospitality industry is one of the most important places in which workers need training, so don’t set yourself off at a disadvantage!
How to Stock the Back Room
This is the very first thing you should teach your employees how to do if you’re running a retail business and customer service is a huge element of it. If the back room isn’t stocked in a neat and organized way, you’re never going to be able to work out what you do and don’t have. You won’t know what to order, you’re going to lose stock and then have to fork out for covering that, and most of all you’re going to get more and more negative reviews from customers because an employee couldn’t satisfy their needs via checking the back (no matter how unreasonable those are!). Making multiple workloads easier to manage for your employees usually just means putting some organizational rules in place!
So the back room is never as large as a customer thinks it is, of course, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need a good system to keep everything in its right place and easy to locate. This way, when on the shop floor, it’s going to be a lot faster to restock the shelves, and in your office, it’s going to be a lot easier to save money when cutting a deal with a supplier.
Or you could use an online system that allows a customer to purchase something they think is in the ‘back room’ (but is just temporarily out of stock), and then order it in for them to pick up later. It’s going to be a lot cheaper than trying to outfit your stock room, and it’s a much easier way for your employees to defuse any tense customer situation created when they don’t get what they want… Use a tablet to scoot in and out of the customer service queue, and get those products flying off of the shelves because no one got bored waiting!
How to Work as a Team
Working as a team is essential in business. There’s not a lot a person can do alone when an entire company rests on their shoulders, and there’s always something you’re going to run out of time to do by the end of the working day. It’s not healthy for anyone to try and take on an entire workload by themselves, and both you and any employee being made to do so is just going to burn out.
So to stop that problem, everybody on the shop floor and in the office upstairs needs to know how to work together in a harmonious environment. You need to always be honest with each other, and always on the ball with the updates, you need to dish out to the rest of the team. If there’s water puddle in the bathroom or one of the taps has broken, someone needs to be told. If the stock room is empty of your most popular product, a message needs to be taken straight to the top straight away. A lot of the time we get delayed with our honesty, so that’s the first thing to focus on.
And you could always take you and your entire team away for a conference or team building day. There’s nothing like having to work as a group to beat out all of the other businesses in the area, and it can break even the hardiest ice between any of your team members who’ve never gotten on. But overall, as the boss, you need to be a mediator. You need to be sure the people you’ve placed in charge are capable of responsibility and delegation, and that anyone working under them isn’t feeling isolated as a result. It can make the environment incredibly frosty after all!
Training in Another Language
If one of your employees knows how to speak another language, they’re going to be a great tool for any business negotiations and networking you need to do. If you can bring someone along to any meeting at any conference in both this country and another, and be comfortable in the knowledge that you’re going to understand and be able to retaliate to anyone in their native language, you’re going to come across as very successful. When it comes to looking and feeling in charge, having a talent for talent like this is the best way forward.
So make language classes and courses a cornerstone of your business model; you never know when you’re going to need this skill on your side! Not to mention it’s a great life skill to have under your belt already. Being bilingual at the least makes you and your employees very attractive to a whole new sector of customers and investors alike!
If you’re someone who owns a business and one day has dreams of taking that business into international waters, this is your starting point. Allowing one of your employees to thrive under your leadership, for the sake of your corporate dreams, is a great way to infiltrate foreign markets. And anyone you choose to become the prodigy is going to be very interested in keeping up with their training, as it’s likely to springboard their own career.
Someone Should Know First Aid
First aid is essential to the workplace and is something at least one of your employees should go through training for. Accidents happen each and every day, and you’re never going to regret your negligence in proper training more than when a customer collapses in your store and you have no idea what to do about it! So make sure a first aid qualification is on the books, and notify all of your staff about who is capable and where the first aid point is if they need attention themselves.
Your employees alone need someone they can rely on for their health care at work, as if even one of them goes down during their shift, the entire business is going to notice a dip in the productivity and overall health of the environment. Not to mention, you could end up scaring away someone who was going to buy from you because no one around knows how to accurately deal with an emergency situation. All in all, it’s the most decent thing to learn, for everyone’s sake!
If you need a starting point, check out this cpr and first aid certification, and book yourself and one or two of your workers in to learn some great knowhow. It won’t take up too much time, a day at the most, and it’s going to be worth it as an investment whenever something dangerous springs up in your store. And those are more common than you might like to think!
Are Your Employees Well Trained?
If you think more work could be done here, it’s time to make an effort to introduce that kind of change. It’s much more important than a lot of people think: if your employees aren’t happy in their jobs, they’re not going to be doing their best work, and often enough happiness comes from knowledge.
So make sure your workers are always capable and feel like they could run the service you came up and built to succeed with absolute confidence! After all, this is a good way to allocate out the promotions and expansions as well, as it can be hard to inspire or motivate a working force that doesn’t feel supported by the person who’s meant to be paying their cheques.
The Training Your Employees Need appeared first on Mompreneur Media