The decision to become a mompreneur is not exactly a simple one, but with some preparation, and time-saving tips the task will be a little more manageable.

As rewarding as it is, being an entrepreneur is a lot of hard work. In fact, it’s just like being a mom in that way. It takes plenty of dedication, commitment, time, blood, sweat, and tears to get either of these roles right. With that being said, being both is even tougher. The decision to become a mompreneur and balance your home and working lives is never a simple one, but, with some planning, preparation, and time-saving hacks, you can make the task a little more manageable. Here are eight essential tips you need to help you save time each day.
Click To TweetCreate A Work Area
Leaving your work at the office is incredibly difficult at the best of times, but this is even truer when your office is also your home. For this reason, you need to carve out an area of your home that you can use as a designated workspace. This could be a desk in your living room or an entire spare room dedicated to working. This will help to build mental boundaries and ensure that, when you step into this work area, you’re mentally ready to work. Having such a space is also important as it is time-saving and can help to shelter you from the distractions you might face in your home.

Follow A Flexible Schedule
As a mother and business owner, you’re going to have a lot of work to do each day, from entrepreneurial tasks, like answering emails and completing paperwork, to mom duties, like cooking, cleaning, and school runs. With all of this to do and more, it’s crucial that you’re on top of everything and know exactly what you need to be doing at any time throughout the day. Because of this, you should figure out a time-saving daily schedule to follow. Try to make sure that this schedule is relatively flexible, just in case your circumstances for whatever reason.
Lighten Your Daily Load
Trying to “do it all” is a trait of mothers and entrepreneurs alike. Unfortunately, when you’re both, even attempting to complete all of the work on your own can lead to wasted time, as well as exhaustion and the burnout that will eventually follow. With that in mind, you need to assess your daily tasks, figure out which are most important, and delegate those that aren’t to employees, agencies, and freelancers. You could even do this in your home life, by creating a chore chart and asking your children and partner to help out with the housework and cooking.
Consider Your Childcare Options
Your children can be a lot of help when it comes to saving time. After all, they can complete certain household chores and even lend a hand in your business by stuffing envelopes and stamping. That being said, depending on their ages and your circumstances, they could also pose a major distractions, wasting precious time every single day. For this reason, you may want to consider your childcare options. If you can’t or don’t want to do this, then schedule your tasks around them and work when they’re at school or napping.

Take Advantage Of Technology
Freelancers and other hired help can make a big difference in your life and company, but nothing will ever save you as much time as technology can. You can use calendars and timers on your phone to keep on schedule and keep up with any important appointments. You can use automation software to order your office supplies, post on your social media accounts, and respond to emails. There are video conference tools that allow you to attend meetings without leaving your home. You can even use apps to manage your children’s chores and set their pocket money, and calculate percent change in seconds using online software. Any of these can make your life easier, so take advantage of them.
Eliminate Major Time Wasters
When you’ve got one million and one things to be getting on with, the last thing you need is something distracting you and taking you away from your work. With that in mind, you need to take a look at your day and make a note of the little things that are interrupting your working flow. These might be email notifications, household chores, meetings, or even your children. Once you’ve figured out what is wasting your time, you need to take steps to reduce or eliminate them. This will help you to focus better and make you more productive.

Be Prepared For Anything
One of the best ways to eliminate the distractions mentioned above is to prepare for them. For example, you could complete chores, make packed lunches, and iron school clothes the night before so that you don’t have to worry about them in the morning. You could also apply for lines of credit before you need them, to save you unnecessary hassle when something does go wrong. If your credit score isn’t the best, then looking early gives you the chance to research credit cards for bad credit. You should also make sure that you have adequate insurance cover.
Make Time For Yourself
While it’s important to stay on task when you should be working, it’s just as necessary to take regular breaks and make time for yourself. If you don’t, you’ll end up working yourself to illness and exhaustion, rendering you useless to everyone and everything, including your business and family. That being said, you can make better use of the time you have to yourself. For example, you could read business blog posts during your lunch break or exercise while watching TV in the evening. You should also make sure that you have some fun with your family each day.

Being a mom isn’t easy, and neither is being an entrepreneur. For this reason, it’s safe to say that being a mompreneur can get tough at times. That being said, there are ways to make it easier and save yourself time each day. Hopefully, with the tips above, you’ll be able to do just that, allowing you to focus on the benefits and rewards you get from each role.