If business automation would give your children the time with you that they deserve would you do it?
Being a mother and business owner simultaneously is no easy task. If you’re a mompreneur yourself, you’re well aware of the eternal struggle between work and play. This is an extremely tough decision when your children are younger; requiring more attention and love; and it doesn’t get any easier as time passes, with your teenagers needing constant supervision. Well, what if we told you there’s a complete cure for all your problems, allowing you to spend a lot more time with your children this summer?
The solution to all your problems is business automation in the form of Sage One accounting software.

This will allow you to leave the little tasks like accounting, reports, tracking your bank accounts, generating invoices, and other boring details to the software. This way, you can focus solely on the main objective of the business, without getting into the day-to-day running of it.
You know what that means? You guessed it: more time for you and the kids. Business automation will solve all your problems like having to choose between the kids and work, having to miss certain things like recitals and plays because you’re so bogged down, and having to stay up late to finish paperwork- resulting in a cranky mommy the next day. When you get the accounting software, all your worries will sort themselves out. In addition to handling all your small tasks, Sage One also allows for you and your team to stay connected at all times, allowing for easy communication even while you’re with the kids.
You never have to miss out on any important occasions and events again, either in your professional or personal life.
Who says women can’t do it all?
Handling finances could go from being a headache to being accomplished with a few keystrokes and clicks every day.
The best way to learn that Sage One business automation is the right choice for your small business is to give it a shot. Sage One Accounting Standard is available as part of a 15 day trial, letting you get set up and running with no obligation. If you do like it, and we think you will, you can continue using Sage One without any disruption to how you work.
Visit http://na.sage.com/us/sage-one/pricing for a list of specific Sage One solution features and begin your business automation today!