Substance use can affect people in different ways. Here are some physical, psychological and behavioral signs to look out for.
Drug addiction is something people from all walks of life can experience. Being able to recognize the signs is important, especially if it’s a member of your family you might be concerned about. Only by recognizing the signs will you be able to talk to them, provide your support and encourage them to seek treatment. While it can affect people in different ways, there are several physical, psychological and behavioral signs you can look out for. The following article is going to highlight them.
Physical Signs
A person can experience changes in their sleep patterns, and they may also put on or lose weight because their appetite has changed. There may be an overall deterioration in their physical appearance, as they might not be keeping themselves clean. What’s more, there may an unusual smell emanating from their clothes, breath or their body.
Have you noticed that their eyes are unusually bloodshot, or their pupils are larger or smaller than normal? Are they slurring their speech, suffering from tremors or lacking in coordination? Ask yourself these types of questions before coming to a conclusion.
Mood Swings
Teens are known for their mood swings, but when they’re becoming more irrational or dramatic in their actions, you should be suspicious. When they are growing increasingly irritable, verbally abusive or even violent to other members of the family, it should be a cause for concern. They might also threaten to drop out of school, run away or damage property.
Apathy, depression, and mood instability are also signs your teen may be actively using. Is your teen spending more time alone and shunning the company of their peers? This can also be a sign of substance use disorder, although there may also be another underlying issue that needs to be dealt with.
Changes in Personality
How is your teen coping with school life? Are their grades dropping? Are they performing below their usual level or being singled out because of bad behavior in the classroom? Apathy, low productivity, poor morale, lack of confidence and control, poor interactions, and aggressive behavior could all be signs of a substance use disorder.
Getting Help for Your Teen
Recognizing the fact that your teen is struggling with an addiction is only part of the solution. Teens and young adults can be difficult to live with at the best of times. However, understanding what to look out for is a great place to start. It’s now a case of seeking the help of a trained professional, rather than sweeping it under the carpet and hoping it’ll go away.
There are many avenues you can explore together. The important thing is for you to be there with them to offer your support. Treatment can be provided on an outpatient basis, or there are

Photo by Ambar Simpang from Pexels
Common symptoms of alcohol poisoning are:
- Vomiting
- Confusion
- Unconsciousness
- Irregular breathing
- Loss of balance
If you find yourself worrying about your teen and whether they’re struggling with an addiction, look out for the signs mentioned above and then seek help from a professional. With the right kind of support and a family that love and care for them, your teen is already well on the way to long-term recovery.