Stock market trading is not a place for the weak at heart or the timid, especially right now.
Stock market trading is not a place for the weak at heart or the timid, especially right now. It is not a learn-as-you-go process, nor is it a safe place for the poorly prepared. You would not build a house without the right construction knowledge or the right tools, building a personal portfolio should be no different. Preparation, planning, and education along with the essential trading equipment are the keys to making you a successful trader.

1. Preparation
Before taking on the stock market, you must take careful stock of your personal finances. Budget an amount for investing, making sure that you know what your absolute limit is and not going over that amount. (Loss cap) Once you know about how much you can comfortably invest and potentially lose in the market, you can start working on the next step to successful trading.
2. Planning
You know your initial investment amount, now you should write out your clear and realistic goals for what you would like to accomplish. Your plan should cover all angles, including what you would do with your profit margins as they grow and what your exit plan will be if you do not invest wisely. An exit plan will keep you from sticking with a stock that is either going to slow down to much to make it worth keeping or completely fail. Your plan should also include how you will facilitate trades as well. Will you use a broker? Will it be a full-service broker or a discount brokerage house that you work with?
3. Education
Even if you are working with a full-service brokerage house, you should have some knowledge of what stock and other market terms mean. You should be able to understand the basics of a stock chart so that you can begin to track stock progress yourself. You should be able to tell the difference between a penny stock and a more traditional stock. And you should always be aware of how the market is trading- by volume, by price or by other leading indicators.
4. Essential trading equipment.
For a first time trader or a novice, a full-service broker is probably about the most important aspect of your investing experience. Once you have gained some market knowledge and want to move to the lowered prices of a discount broker you will want to add other equipment to your arsenal. That equipment should include, a good computer, a fast Internet connection, and a free portfolio tracker. These items, along with preparation, planning, and education can make your trading experience more rewarding and less risky.
5. Trading Tools
Unlike stock trading which is difficult to master, you can practice trading with free demo accounts from online brokers. In such away you can improve your trading experience and skills. The free technical indicators and charts can be helpful for you get a good picture of actual market conditions and you can learn to monitor trends easily.
6. Huge profit potential
Trading is good business and lots of people earn very good money through it. If you have the right strategy and reliable trading system, you can get a decent income through online trading.
7. Option for Leveraging
You can use a leveraging technique to get very high profits when trading. Leverage involves borrowing some money from brokers to invest in a trade which is more than the amount that you posses in your trading account. For instance, you can trade with currency worth 100,000 dollars by investing just 1,000 dollars in a margin account with leverage of 1:1000. In this way, the profit you acquire from the trade will be very high.