Ask a social media marketer for advice or marketing tips and they will oblige, but they won’t tell you anything of note

Ask a social media marketer for advice or marketing tips and they will oblige, but they won’t tell you anything of note. No, what they will do is talk in generalities and jargon to confuse you and make it seem as if they are essential to the cause. And, can you blame them? After all, they have to make a living, and they don’t want to give away the cream for free. The goods news is the cat is out the bag because their trade secrets are less of a secret and more common knowledge. Carry on reading if you want to find these secret marketing tips are.

Check out these social media marketing tips the pros want to try to keep a secret.Click To Tweet


It Isn’t Free

‘What do you mean? I thought social media profiles don’t cost a penny?’ They don’t cost a cent to sign up to – that is true. From Instagram to Twitter, there isn’t a platform that charges for their services. But, it isn’t only about the money as it will cost you in other ways such as time, and time is money. The reality is it takes ages to set up impressive profiles that get responses, and it takes several hours a week to maintain the presence. It is worth the effort in the end, but you have to understand that you have to work hard to get the results. Marketers make it seem easy as it reflects well on them, but they work hard behind the scenes.


Success Isn’t A Guarantee

Any agency that guarantees success isn’t one that you want to employ. Why? It’s because they are liars. There isn’t a person on the planet, and that includes Matt Cutts, that can always deliver results. Well, they might get the results, but they are never sure it will happen. The truth is that every business is unique, which means there isn’t a one-size fit all policy. As a result, you can’t use a series of techniques and assume they will benefit the company. The trick is to use a variety of methods and figure out which one suits you the best. Also, never stop learning and adapting when you discover the most effective tools.

Social Media Marketing Tips The Pros Want To Keep A Secret
Social Media Marketing Tips The Pros Want To Keep A Secret

You Need A Lot Of Followers

Agencies like to tell their clients that they can work miracles with very little. Unfortunately, that isn’t true either because social media relies on reaching the masses. Any decent SEO consulting group will tell that it is pointless otherwise, which is why you need to maximize your followers. To get more followers, you have to be in constant touch with your target audience. Let them know you exist and you will peak their curiosity. Also, treat your current followers well because they will spread the word about you to their friends and family. Logic dictates the more people you reach, the more effective the campaign.


The above might not the Hail Mary you’re looking for, but that’s the final secret marketing tip – it doesn’t exist. The key to success is hard work.


Social Media Marketing Tips The Pros Want To Keep A Secret appeared first on Mompreneur Media