Things To Remember If You’re Planning On Renovating Your Store
No matter the size or the nature of your business, your store and its design is one of the single most important aspects as it is often the first impression that your existing customers and new customers will get from you brand. Whether you have just bought a commercial space that needs work to match the demands of your business, or feel that your current store is in need of a revamp. There are a number of things to remember if you’re planning on renovating your store.

The New Store
The first step you need to consider before you make any plans for renovating your store is to ask whether you need to totally demolish the space. As renovating can cost more than just money but time too. Check to see how much of your buildings existing infrastructure and framework you can use. As in most cases you can cut renovating costs by simply keeping the existing electrical panels, plumbing fixtures, gas lines, wiring and other interior features rather than replacing them. If there are elements of the existing structure you can use then you can spend more money on the interior designs if you wish.
Your newly renovated store doesn’t just have to be aesthetically pleasing but needs to be practical and functional too. It must meet the needs of you customers, staff and business. The design of the store is very important as for customers it will be their first impression. Your renovated store needs to cater to your customers, and create a safe and comfortable experience for both your customers and staff.
The interior features like lighting, textiles and colour scheme all affect the mood of your store and your customer’s experience. Lighting can easily be used to direct customers to featured merchandise with the use of low or dim lighting. Research demonstrates that colour can have an effect on mood, if your business is within the food industry colours such as brown, red and orange can trigger hunger. Whereas colours like green are linked with health and growth and are ideal for health stores.
Not only should you consider colours to suit your business but you should think carefully about them in correlation to your brand, especially if you are a new business.
The Renovation Work
Once you have figure out practical needs of you store and how you want your new renovated store to look like. The next step is deciding on the contractors. When planning to renovate your store you need contactors who will advise you on the latest trends, approaches, and strategies that are most appropriate for your business. You may have contractors that you already know and trust, but if that is not the case there are specialist companies out there like Fawkes and Reece who are dedicated to finding the ideal match.
When it comes to renovating your store, if you don’t have an online platform or other local stores it will put a halt on your business so it is important to find a reputable and reliable contractor who meets deadlines, as well as one who is licensed and insured. The contractor team should be able to advise you throughout the whole renovating process.
The Timeline
Once you have established your building team that can easily meet deadlines. You will need to develop a timeline to ensure that the renovating project is kept on track. Hiring contractors who meet deadlines consistently is essential for minimizing costs and losses from sales.
If you are planning a renovation, and need to open by a certain date, offer your contractors an early completion incentive which will not only provide them with a bonus but ensure the project is kept on track.
When it comes to renovating a store a timeline is crucial as it will also guide you on when you should close and reopen your store. It is best to be upfront and honest with your customers once you know the timeline. If you inform your customers they will be keen to visit your store once it has reopened, and won’t be put off by the store temporarily closing especially if there is a promise of a grand opening.
Grand Opening
Now that your store has been renovated, instead of just opening, try to have a big grand opening on a day you know will be busy like at the weekend. If you have a big grand opening not only will customers flock to see the store but if you give away promotions or freebies your existing customers will feel rewarded and you will attract new customers.