Owning a highly-visible website is crucial. Save time using these online resources that will help you get seen.
When you run your own business you very often find yourself in the position of having to learn new skills on the job. As a solopreneur this is even more true as the problems you face rely on you and you alone to solve them.

One recurring issue is maintaining your website and maximizing its potential. You’ll want to save time to devote to other areas of your business life.
In this blog, we take a look at what you can do to get your site seen without devoting hours to it.
Get the Basics Down
You no doubt had a professional design your site so now you need to spend just a few hours on doing some basic research and tinkering with the content. If you have time to do this yourself then download the free analytical tools from Google and get started with some keyword research.
If you don’t have time and aren’t sure where to start without a clear seo guide then hire in a professional to do the work for you and consider it an investment well worth making.
If you’re not sure what you’re looking for then it’s this: you need to make your site appear in Google searches, as high up as you possibly can. The way to make that happen is either by advertising or by making your site easy to find. Great content, relevant keywords and a regular blog with both these features is the best way to make that happen.
On a Roll
Once the keyword research is done then it’s time to schedule in some weekly website work. This does not need you to spend hours every day but instead just to check in each week to see if there are any tweaks you can make to the content to make more searchable.
You don’t have to be an expert to look at the analytics but if you do want to buy some more in-depth tools you’ll be able to see which pages are performing better on your site and which pages need some work to attract customers.
Image from Pexels: CC0 licence
Use your SEO knowledge to write relevant, natural-sounding content on both your home and landing pages but also in your blog. If you can, commit to writing a monthly blog that addresses specific issues that your customers might be facing. Free advice is a great way of meeting your customers’ needs, making yourself known on a more personal level and establishing your voice as the one to trust in your industry.
Your website is the front door to your business. Put that tool to use with content that gets you seen and read. Channel your best SEO content into relevant web content and a blog that has your customers returning time and time again. Then you’ll be well on your way to making your solo business a big contender in just a few short hours a week.