Whatever type of business it is that you’re planning on opening there are some online essentials you should consider.
Any startup business should make a plan for their online strategy. After all, you may not be opening as a physical business straight away. Establishing how to run your website and keep your online platform functioning is just as vital as designing a shop front. Whether you’re opening a brand new local grocery store or opening a small marketing agency, here are some online essentials to consider.
A smoothly-running website
No business can really function without a modern website in 2019. This should launch with your new business, and it should be any visitor’s go-to domain. Without a website, you will struggle to have any point of reference for what it is you do as a company. It’s fine to start out on social media, but you should have a website that elaborates more on what you do. Here are some must-haves for any new company website:
- SEO-optimized content
- An ‘about’ page
- A contact page that not only lists your number and email address but also where they can find you on Google Maps
Malware scanner
Want to keep all your new data safe? Want to make sure your site doesn’t get temporarily shut down as the result of a nasty virus? The best way to keep your online material safe is to invest in anti-malware software. As a new business, you will be receiving plenty of emails with attachments, and any number of these could come with a harmful virus that is sometimes not entirely the fault of the sender. Malware-scanners will alert you of any suspicious attachments and flag any pieces of malware that may have made their way onto your computer systems.
HR management platform
Once you start to hire people for your team, you will need to find a way of managing them. An HR management platform allows you to check-in with your employees regularly and monitors their progress through your company. Inpulse, for example, gives you insights as well as an ability to collate everyone’s feedback. This could be invaluable to a business that is just finding its feet.

A newsletter
Are you anticipating or hoping for customer loyalty? The best way to keep your customers informed about new products and news is to start a newsletter. This keeps them up-to-date with what you have planned in store for the future. It is also a good way to reward loyalty, with one-off newsletter vouchers, or special treats for those who subscribe. Not only will it make your existing visitors feel rewarded, but it will encourage others to sign up and reap the rewards.
When you start up your new company, it’s wise to think about what your online strategy will look like. How much of your company’s day-to-day operation will exist online? Could you save money by implementing a communication and feedback strategy that exists solely online, too? These considerations could help you to run a well-oiled, virus-free machine.