Without an online audience, your business will not reach the people who matter most…
Without an online audience, your business will not reach the people who matter most – the customers who will boost your revenue. While most companies will have an online presence in the form of a website, this is not enough. Your business may be very popular with physical customers, but how does it shape up for online audiences? The way you approach customers, engage, and create content might need tweaking to appeal directly to online audiences.
Find your audience where they are most likely to hang out
Finding your audience online can be a challenge. After all, you have the whole internet to compete with. Rather than having them find you, you need to take your business to them instead. You need to find where they are most likely to hang out and make yourself available. Social media is the best way to do this.
Depending on the platform you choose, you can tailor your online ads to appeal to specific demographics, taking into account what they would like to see most. However, ensure you pick the best platform for your business. Instagram might be an extremely popular online forum, with over 800 million users, but if you do not post attractive, appealing images, you will not find success.
By finding your audience, you can focus on target marketing. Doing so will ensure your message reaches the right people in the right way. To create a successful, effective target market strategy, enlist the help of an expert SEO agency Seattle, who will be able to pinpoint the unique habits and interests of your audience and cater directly for them.
Write for your customer, not for yourself
The content you create for your newly discovered target audience needs to be written with them in mind. What you might like to read could be completely different from their interests. Any content you create needs to appeal to the masses, while still retaining the unique tone and voice of your business. How do you harness this delicate balance?
You need to stay focused on what a customer wants to read. Think about the conversations you have with them as this will point you in the right direction. Keep your message short and sweet. Always be friendly. Most importantly, don’t try to be something you’re not and stay true to your vision. Audiences want authenticity. You need to provide this above anything else.
Become a storyteller
Additionally, your content needs to engage and excite your online audience. To do this, you need to become a storyteller. Stating the specifications of your product is not enough. It’s all-too-easy for a potential customer to scroll past and ignore what you’re trying to tell them. Give them a story and they will naturally become intrigued and want to find out more. Storytelling is the best form of communication, especially in the written word.
Remember: Keep it short and concise. Content should range between 500-1500 words for maximum efficiency.

Focus on engagement
Not only do you need to tailor and create engaging content, but you also need to continue engaging with your audience. Posting a blog post but ignoring any comments will quickly make people stop reading. By focusing on engagement, you will create an online community, which will cultivate loyalty between customers and your brand.
You also need to engage and respond to any social media comments, both positive or negative. Brands who respond promptly to negative feedback show that they are willing to change and take on board what their audience wants.