Many website owners underestimate just how an old website can affect their marketing strategy
Everybody knows that your website is an important part of your marketing strategy. The majority of customers will use the internet as their first port of call when they’re looking for new businesses to deal with. However, lots of people underestimate just how important it is. Every time a customer goes to visit your old website, they are subconsciously making assumptions about your company and, although they might not realize it, it affects whether they buy from you or not. The main thing that turns people off is an outdated website. If you don’t keep your website up to date it will create perceptions of your company that can be very damaging. Here’s what an old website makes people think about you.
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They’ll Lose My Data
Cyber criminals are getting increasingly good at stealing data from companies and security agencies are fighting an uphill battle. Whatever your company is, you’re likely to be handling sensitive data for your customers at some stage. Before people will trust you with that information, they need to be confident that you will protect it. If your website looks like it hasn’t been updated for ten years, then people will assume that your online security hasn’t either. In certain professions, this is even more important. For example, if you run a legal firm, you’ll be handling incredibly sensitive data and if it’s lost, it could have far reaching consequences. That means when you’re making decisions about legal website design, you’ll need to focus on making the website look as modern as possible. Steer away from anything too overcrowded and go for a minimalist design. Having a slow website will give the impression that you’re using older technology which makes people think that your security systems are equally as old. It’s also important to post new content on the site regularly so your customers know that you are always updating the site.
They’re Struggling
A big part of your marketing budget should be going towards maintaining your website, and if it isn’t, potential customers will start wondering why. They will assume that any business with the money to do it, would naturally be spending a good amount on their site. So, they will automatically think that you’re struggling to stay afloat. Obviously, any business that is failing isn’t one that you’d trust so it can have a huge negative effect on sales.
They Don’t Understand Technology
Technology is a central part of most industries these days. It’s always developing at a very fast rate and the companies that can’t keep up are the ones that won’t survive. Anybody that manufactures products of any kind should be especially worried about this. If your competitors have more up to date equipment than you, they’ll be able to make a better product at a lower price. When customers see an out of date website, they’ll assume that the rest of your operation is just as old, and they’ll find somebody else with a more modern looking website.
They Aren’t Ambitious
A website that is constantly moving forward and developing gives the impression that your company as a whole wants to do the same. If you haven’t even bothered to put the time into improving your website, customers will automatically think that you haven’t put any effort into your company either. A business that doesn’t proactively seek improvements is more likely to sell you a sub-par product.
They Don’t Understand Good Design
This one is only an issue in certain businesses; if you’re selling any kind of clothes or anything else that relies on good design, your website is your first chance to showcase your skills. When a customer first enters the site, it’ll only be a few seconds before they’ve made a judgment about your company. You need to think about the website design in as much detail as you do the design of your products and packaging. It’s not a great idea to use a website template because people can often tell. It seems lazy and it’ll put them off. Creating your own site from scratch also gives you more freedom to show off your talents.
They Don’t Take Pride In Their Business
A workforce that is proud of their company and invested in its success is going to be more productive and offer a better service in general. This enthusiasm filters down from the top and if a boss isn’t invested, their employees are never going to be. When people see a website that hasn’t been looked after properly, they immediately assume that you don’t have pride in your company. They’ll be picturing an office full of people that work inefficiently because they don’t care, and that’s not the kind of company that you want to be buying from.