When you think success you may think high-powered, suit-and-tie-wearing entrepreneur. However, there is one type of entrepreneur who often gets overlooked despite having incredible smarts and an uncanny ability to take on more tasks than most workers can handle.
Mompreneurs represent a talented and motivated workforce. Think about it, how many people have the commitment, the discipline and the stamina to run a household and a business at the same time? Mompreneurs are resourceful multi-taskers who have a lot to teach new entrepreneurs about the capacity so many of us have to get things done.
They also represent the buying power of a very influential demographic. Studies show that women make most of the buying decisions in the household. Mompreneurs have the influence, the audience and the network to bring attention to brands that want to reach that important decision-making audience.
Perhaps one of the best things about mompreneurs is that they have all of this talent and experience and yet they are willing to share that knowledge. While many entrepreneurs guard their success secrets like coveted treasure and hide their mistakes, mompreneurs are more than happy to explain how they’ve achieved so much, what they’ve learned, tips on how to replicate their success and what mistakes they’ve made along the way.
In celebration of the resilient spirit, the drive and the unity of mompreneurs here are my suggestions on the Top 50 Mompreneurs to follow (and learn from) in 2014:

Shelly Ehler
Website: ShowNo.com | Twitter: shownotowels | Facebook: shownotowels
Founder and inventor. Shelly Ehler is the founder of the ShowNo Towel a poncho style towel, a coverup and a changing towel all in one.

Jennifer MacDonald
Website: ZipItBedding.com | Twitter: zipitbedding | Facebook: ZipitBedding
Founder and inventor. Jennifer MacDonald is the inventor of Zipit Bedding a sleeping bag with the look of conventional bedding that makes it easy for kids and parent alike to make their beds.

Donna Novitsky
Website: Yiftee.com | Twitter: yiftee | Facebook: yiftee
Entrepreneur, teacher, and adviser. Donna Novitsky is the founder of Yiftee.com a a mobile/online gifting service for people who want to surprise and delight their employees, customers, friends and family with thoughtful gifts at local shops and restaurants.

Susanna Lee
Website: PeachyCo.com | Twitter: peachyllc | Facebook: peachyllc
Entrepreneur and mom inventor. Susanna Lee is the founder of Peachyco.com and the inventor of the Aqueduck a product that makes hand washing fun and easy for toddlers and preschoolers.

Sandi Krakowski
Website: ARealChange.com | Twitter: sandikrakowski | Facebook: SandiKrakowskiBiz
Facebook Marketing Expert and speaker. Sandi Krakowski is the founder of ARealChange.com a website that offers training and helps small business owners and big corporations utilize the online space and social media for brand awareness, company growth and client loyalty.

Kelly Lester
Website: EasyLunchBoxes.com | Twitter: easylunchboxes | Facebook: EasyLunchboxes
Actress, singer, author, and CEO. Kelly Lester is also the creator and mom behind Easy Lunch Boxes the best selling lunch boxes on Amazon.

Carol Tuttle
Website: TheCarolBlog.com | Twitter: caroltuttle | Facebook: thecaroltuttle
Carol Tuttle is a teacher, speaker, healer, and best-selling author. She is the creator of Dressing Your Truth an educational service designed to teach you about your unique Type of beauty.

Melinda Emerson
Website: SmallBizLady.com | Twitter: smallbizlady | Facebook: smallbizlady
Speaker, small business expert, creator and host of #SmallBizChat. Melinda Emerson is also the author of Become Your Own Boss In 12 Months a month- by-month guide to a business that works.

Maria Seidman
Website: Yapp.us | Twitter: mariaseidman | Facebook: yapp.us
Mom, Entrepreneur, and former Vice President of Digital at Warner Brothers. Maria Seidman is the CEO and Co-Founder of Yapp, an app for iOS and Androids that allows users to make mobile apps for events, gatherings and groups.

Stephanie Person
Website: StephPerson.com | Twitter: StephPerson77 | Facebook: rockinmompreneurs
Author, speaker, and blogging coach. Stephanie Person is also an avid social media manager and creator of the Social Media Etiquette for Business program where she trains businesses how to market and attract more clients to gain more sales.

Kim Garst
Website: KimGarst.com | Twitter: kimgarst | Facebook: kimgarstboomsocial
Social Media Influencer, Social Media Coach, Consultant & Mentor. Kim Garst is the creator of Facebook Ads Traffic & Conversion Boot Camp a program designed to help you generate traffic on Facebook then convert that traffic into sales.

Ally Loprete
Website: http://www.AllyLoprete.com | Twitter: AllyLoprete | Facebook: ThisLittleParentStayedHome
Nationally recognized public speaker, personal coach, and talk show radio host. Ally Loprete founded the widely popular OurMilkMoney.com, the largest online search directory for parents in the world.

Jennie Wong
Website: aborc.com | Twitter: DrJennieWong
Jennie Wong is a nationally syndicated columnist for Ask the Mompreneur and an executive coach. She is the founder of www.ABorC.com, a product quiz website that helps you shop faster on Amazon.

Manon Laroux
Website: SavvySocialSolutions.com | Twitter: SociallySavvy4U | Facebook: sociallysavvy4u
Mom Entrepreneur and founder of Savvy Social Solutions a website that connects women in business with savvy social media managers.

Tory Johnson
Website: ToryJohnson.com | Twitter: @toryjohnson | Facebook: tory
Weekly contributor on ABC’s Good Morning America, Speaker, and small business promoter. Tory Johnson is also the author of The Shift the #1 New York Times bestselling book. In her book Tory reveals every aspect of her year-long journey to losing weight and discovering a happier life.

Sami Cone
Website: samicone.com | Twitter: TheSamiCone | Facebook: SamiCone
Blogger, tv contributor, radio personality, and entrepreneur. Sami Cone is also a passionate mentor that enjoys helping others achieve the life they have always dreamed of. You can hire Sami for various speaking topics at samicone.com

Jane Copeland
Website: CopingWithJane.com | Twitter: CopingwithJane | Facebook: copingwithjane
Author, speaker, and coach. Jane Copeland helps aspiring and current business owners establish their businesses online and become famous to their audience. She is the author of Boardroom to Baby where she gives new insights into the process of becoming a mother, being prepared, and staying in control.

Joyce Brewer
Website: MommyTalkshow.com | Twitter: MommyTalkShow | Facebook: MommyTalkShow
Joyce Brewer is an Emmy award-winning TV journalist, and, talk show host. She is also a video expert, vlogger, and e-book author of Use What You Know: A Business Idea Guide for Moms.

Tanya Geisler
Website: TanyaGeisler.com | Twitter: TanyaGeisler | Facebook: TanyaGeislerCoaching
Tanya Geisler is a CTI certified coach and speaker. She is the creator of Step into your Starring Role, a 12+ week program designed to for moving you from self-doubt to self-actualization.

Laura Fuentes
Website: MOMables.com | Twitter: SuperGlueMom | Facebook: MOMables
Author, speaker, and brand positioning strategist. Laura Fuentes is also the CEO and founder of MOMables where she helps parents make fresh school lunches their kids will love.

Jackie Ulmer
Website: jackieulmer.com | Twitter: jackieulmer | Facebook: streetsmartwealth
Author, speaker, avid blogger, network marketer, and direct sales coach. Jackie Ulmer is the creator of several online training programs including MLM Business Mastery a digital download program designed to help you grow your direct sales business.

Dori DeCarlo
Website: WordOfMomRadio.com | Twitter: WordOfMom_Dori | Facebook: WordofMom
Mompreneur and founder of Word of Mom Radio a radio talk show on BlogTalkRadio that covers topics such as Baby Sleep 911, Social Media Help, Mompreneur Mayhem and more.

Kelly Anderson
Website: StartUpPrincess.com | Twitter: startupprincess | Facebook: startupprincess
Kelly Anderson specializes in marketing strategy, PR, branding, life and business planning, and social media. She is the founder of StartUpPrincess.com an international network committed to Empowering Women Entrepreneurs by offering resources for women in business to support, mentor, collaborate, learn from, and inspire one another.

Anne Samoilov
Website: AnneSamoilov.com | Twitter: annesamoilov | Facebook: AnneSamoilov
Product launch expert and online project manager. Anne Somoilov is the creator of Fearless Launching a 6 module course that shows you how to create a realistic launch plan and schedule.

Lisa Montalva
Website: WomenOwnedBusinessClub.com | Twitter: womanownedclub | Facebook:WomenOwnedBusinessClub
Human Resource expert and author. Lisa Montalva is the founder of Women Owned Business Club a social networking organization designed to empower women daily by offering affordable services to help them promote their businesses, websites, books, blogs, products or services.

Demetria Zinga
Website: WebSuccessCoaching.com | Twitter: websuccesscoach | Facebook: demetria.zinga
Podcast Consultant, Trainer, and Web Success Strategist. Demetria Zinga is the creator of Web Success Strategy a program designed to teach entrepreneurs how to begin making a passive income through digital products.

Stacey Boegem
Website: TheHappinessAgenda.com | Twitter: stacyboegem | Facebook: StacyBoegem
Speaker, coach, and attorney. Stacy Boegem is the creator of the MOMstermind Circle Program a one-of-a-kind program exclusively for moms ready to invest in their ideas, their passion, their sense of self and turn it into a business that works for them.

Di Ana Ford
Website: TheWomenEntrepreneursAcademy.com | Twitter: wealovelearning | Facebook: womenentrepreneursacademy
Entrepreneur. Di Ana Ford is the founder and creator of TheWomenEntrepreneurAcademy.com an online learning boutique and community for and by women entrepreneurs.

Sheena Edwards
Website: LizzieLouShoes.com | Twitter: lizzieloushoes | Facebook: LizzieLouShoes
Mompreneur, CEO, and designer. Sheena Edwards is the owner and designer of the Lizzie Lou Shoes, hand embroidered leather flip flops with a genuine crystals.

Rachel Florio
Website: http://www.RachelFlorioPR.com | Twitter: CelebBabyTrends | Facebook: CelebrityBabyTrendExpert
Trend expert and CEO of Rachel Florio PR. Rachel Florio is known for placing hot new maternity, baby, child and tween products on highly-rated blogs, in print and on television. Rachel’s T.V. segments have aired on CNN, The Today Show, The Early Show, Inside Edition, EXTRA!, and more.

Jenny Ingram
Website: JennyOnTheSpot.com | Twitter: jennyonthespot | Facebook: jennyontheFB
Writer, vlogger, and speaker. Jenny Ingram is the publisher of Jenny On the Spot an award winning blog that covers various topics such as family, food, and health.

Amy Lingawi
Website: TheBabyBurp.com | Twitter: thebabyburp Facebook: TheBabyBurp
Small business advocate, entrepreneur and blogger. Amy Lingawi started and registered January 2nd as U.S National Mompreneurs Day. She is also the founder of The Baby Burp an online marketplace where sellers can create their own store and upload their own products that are baby, toddler and mommy related.

Phyllis Pometta
Website: Phyllis Pometta Twitter: PhyllisPometta | Facebook: PhyllisPometta
CEO and expert marketer. Phyllis Pometta is the founder of BabySwags.com and specializes in Celebrity Gifting, Small Business Consulting, Social Media Management, and Niché PR for it’s Work-at-Home Mom clients.

Fabienne Frederickson
Website: ClientAttraction.com | Twitter: fabienne | Facebook: fabienne
Small business coaching expert. Fabienne Fredrickson is the creator of the Client Attraction System a systematic approach to discovering the marketing strategies that will then help you get more clients and make a LOT more money, without the effort you’re experiencing now.

Anjali Varma
Website: TheModernMompreneur.com | Twitter: AnjVarma | Facebook: themodernmompreneur
Entrepreneur, contributor, and speaker. Anjali Varma is the host of The Modern Mompreneur a YouTube show features interviews with other mompreneurs and experts who share tips on topics related to lifestyle, parenting, and entrepreneurism.

Chorlotte Siems
Website: ThisLovelyPlace.com | Twitter: CharlotteSiems | Facebook: biz.charlotte.siems
Author, speaker, and coach. Chorlotte Siems is a certified T-Tapp Master Trainer. T-Tapp is a series of movements designed to put the body into alignment, as well increase flexibility and strength.

Sarah Nicoli
Website: TimeMine.com | Twitter: timemine | Facebook: Dotmine
Sarah Nicoli is the founder of Dot Mine Day Planners. Dot Mine Day Planners are fashionable and functional day planners that help individuals, families, and professionals organize their busy lives.

Dani D’Orsi
Website: DanaDorsi.com | Twitter: danadorsi | Facebook: danadorsi
Marketing strategist and personal growth catalyst. Dana D’Orsi is the creator of Entrepreneurship Unplugged a audio CD designed to help you tackle some of the tough issues surrounding entrepreneurship that most people don’t address.

Lisa Druxman
Website: LisaDruxman.com | Twitter: LisaDruxman | Facebook: CORPFIT4MOM
Nationally recognized as an expert in the field of fitness, particularly pre and postnatal, mompreneur Lisa Druxman is the creator ofFIT4MOM®. Her programs such as Stroller Strides, Fit4Baby and Body Back are all part of the Fit4Mom family.

Lisa Sasevich
Website: The InvisibleClose.com Twitter: lisasasevich | Facebook: LisaSasevichFan
Award-winning sales conversion expert, author, and coach. Lisa Sasevich is the creator of The Invisible Close™ a guide designed to help you boost sales without being salesy. Structure and present irresistible offers that inspire people to buy.

Marci Fair
Website: MarciFair.com | Twitter: marcifair | Facebook: guiltfreemom
Charity founder and speaker. Marci Fair is the author of “Tilt-7 Solutions To Be A Guilt-free Working Mom” a Amazon Best Seller. In her book, Marci Fair shows how mothers can live imperfectly on purpose. She inspires them to determine what matters the most for themselves and their families, and then to focus on what lasts beyond childhood.

Sandra Yancey
Website: eWomenNetwork.com | Twitter: eWomenNetwork | Facebook: ewomennetwork
CEO, author, and speaker. Sandra Yancey is a bestselling author of three books, including Succeeding In Spite of Everything. She is also the founder of eWomenNetwork, Inc. a premier Women’s Business Network with a dynamic and diversified culture that celebrates the brilliance of women entrepreneurs, business owners and corporate professionals.

Neoshi Green
Website: NeoshiGreen.com | Twitter: NeoshiYaki | Facebook: NeoshiYaki
Mompreneur, mentor, and speaker. Neoshi Green is the Founder & CEO of Green4Lyfe.com. Neoshi is also the Founder & Editorial Director of MMIA Magazine, a premier digital publication for ambitious visionary moms transitioning from employee to entrepreneur.

Melissa Galt
Website: MelissaGalt.com | Twitter: melissagalt | Facebook: ProsperByDesign
Speaker, coach, and success strategist. Melissa Galt is the Founder of MelissaGalt.com. She is also the creator of the Prosper By Design Power Session where she helps businesses create a marketing plan to attract and capture their ideal clients.

Website: MomsMakingItHappen.com | Twitter: momsmakingithap | Facebook: momsmakingithappen
Entrepreneur, teacher, and business coach. Amanda Marie is the founder of MomsMakingItHappen.com a website designed to help moms discover their passion, love their life, and ultimately live their dreams.

Heather Lopez
Website: HeatherLopezEnterprises.com | Twitter: HeLoEnterprises | Facebook: heathermarielopez
Marketing professional and non-profit consultant. Heather is the founder of HeatherLopezEnterprises.com a firm dedicated to assisting businesses and brands to connect to their consumers via social media, branding, marketing, pr, and events. Heather is also the founder of the Super Mom Entrepreneur Grant Fund, a conference and grant dedicated to helping moms grow their businesses through training, networking, and support.

Alicia Richmond
Website: ChicOnAShoestring.com | Twitter: chicshoestring | Facebook: ChicShoestring
Professional wardrobe stylist and teacher. Alicia Richmond is the founder of ChicOnAShoestring.com, a blog dedicated to helping real women with real bodies find clothes that fit properly as well as make them look and feel beautiful.

Vicki Norris
Website: RestoringOrder.com | Twitter: RestoringOrder | Facebook: RestoringOrder
Professional organizer expert, author, and speaker. Vicki Norris is the President of Restoring Order® – a professional organizing service for homes and businesses, has turned her passion for order into a lifestyle brand helping consumers lighten up so they can live their true priorities.

Kate Voltan
Website: Katevoltan.com | Twitter: katevoltan | Facebook: KateVoltanEN
Entrepreneur and Business Coach. Kate Voltan is the founder of KateVoltan.com a website that offers business advice for moms. Kate is also the creator of the Mom’s Elite eCourse an online course where moms can learn her personal formula for success.

Mary K Johnson
Website: MommyLoves.com | Twitter: SayBumpandTweet | Facebook: EverythingMommyLoves
Author and entrepreneur. Mary K Johnson is the owner and founder of MommyLoves.com a novelty maternity company. Mary is also the creator of Parent Entrepreneur Power, a podcast created for the Parent Entrepreneur, Parent Wantrepreneur, Mompreneur, and Dadpreneur.
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Mompreneur Media Reveals the Top 50 Mompreneurs to Follow of 2014
Check out Mompreneur Media’s Top 50 Mompreneurs to follow of 2013
Thanks for stopping by, Amy! You are doing a fabulous job. Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much for the mention! I’m very grateful and honored!
I am honored to be included e I th such fabulous Mompreneurs.
We love you Dori. Stay amazing!!!
This was an absolute honor! Thanks so much for including me on your list
Your welcome Demetria!! Hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thank you for the honor of including me on this list! I appreciate the mention!