Applying Your Mothering Skills To Business
There is no harder, more complicated and more challenging role than that of a mom. The hours are 24/7. You don’t get paid. You can only go to sleep when your child goes to sleep. There are no lunch breaks. You have to put up with the most unreasonable demands. And you have to do it with love and affection. So, if you can raise a child, you can sure as hell start a business. In fact, the mom thing compliments they business thing in more ways that you may have first thought. What’s more, by running your own business you will be able to work around your family needs and have that work/life balance you’re old boss assured you could have. Anyway, here are a few tips on how to apply your mothering skills to your business; hopefully it will make things seem a little less daunting.
Applying Your Mothering Skills To Business. Here's HowClick To Tweet
Chances are, the moment you decided to have children, or found out you were pregnant, you started planning everything. It was pushchairs, cots, books, clothes, schools and their catchment areas, houses in those areas, names, what family car you should buy; absolutely everything. Well, the same thorough approach should be taken in business. Make a business plan and fill it with as much detail as you can. This will ensure you know what you need to do. It will give you a path to follow, a place to note everything you need down, what your goals and timelines are, and it will serve you well in front of potential investors.
When you have a kid, you tend to start thinking less about yourself and more about them. This includes money. You stop eating out so that you have more money for them. You want to invest in them. The same goes for a business. You’ll want to invest whatever money you can in your business. The more you invest into your business, the more you will get out of it in terms of success.
When you are a mum, you need support. It could be you have your parents nearby, who often act as babysitters. It could be that you hire a cleaner to help with the constant battle you now face. The same goes for business. You can’t do it alone. So if you aren’t sure about some tasks, why not outsource them. It could be you hire an SEO agency to help with your marketing, or a designer to build your website. Whatever it is, make sure they are doing a job you can’t and freeing up your time to do a job you must. That is a good rule to follow.

Parenting is seriously tough, but it is made easier through your unconditional love for your child or children. The same rules can be applied to running a business. Start a business in an industry you love, and have a real passion for, that will make it easier when the going gets tough and you start to doubt yourself.