Carina Lyall works with women’s stories and coaches women from around the world. She offers Simply Alive sessions and birth story work.
Welcome to Mompreneur Media Carina Lyall. Tell us a little about yourself
I am a mom of 2, soon to be 3. For the past 6 year I have run my own business, as a meditation teacher and story worker, mostly with women. My passion project will be launched soon, and it is working with Birth Stories and healing the ones that were painful or traumatic.
I am an odd mix of everything – most of us are. I like full moon meditation and gangsta rap. Woo woo and not. I dream of doing spoken word poetry. Recently I was also signed as a plus size model – who would have thought after gaining weight and having kids!
More than anything I am human, and with that comes pain, joy, grief, ecstasy and days of just blah. I am in love with the ordinary. And I know that ordinary can also be shit scary.
I am a cryer, and get over excited and love black humor the most. And with all of that said, the WHO I AM is in a constant change and transition through life – and that to me is so most exciting part.
I live in the woods with my man and family. We just moved from the city to the woods – best thing we ever did.
Related Article: Mompreneur Interview with Writer & Success Coach Saskia Gregory
Where did the inspiration for your coaching business come from?
My own story. As a very young woman in 2001, I went off to work in Bosnia on a American Military Camp. I ended up staying for over 1 1/2 years. I came back very stressed and with severe anxiety. Working through that, becoming a mom when that being a part of my life has been a wild journey. Meditation and story work was my way in.
I also saw how strong I really was and what looking within, slowing down, and a more simple life could transform. With all of that I knew I had to work with these kind of stories. I have rarely regretted making that decision.
What kind of approximate start-up costs were involved in getting your business from concept to launch mode?
I didn’t want to take a loan, but looking back I did spend some of my savings. I did most of the work myself to begin with. I think with the site, flyers, adds, programs, and A LOT of learning mistakes I spent around $3000-$5000 the first 6 months. But I know you don’t have to, especially with Social Media being even more a part of business then it was back then.
Who is your service for and how does it benefit them?

Women have always interested me. Don’t get me wrong I love men, and it’s not a part of political stand. I worked in a very male dominated environment for years. But the fact that we have a menstrual cycle, can create life and give birth has always fascinated me.
I work with women, stories and body work. as mentioned especially birth stories have become a big part of my passion. The birth of my eldest was very difficult. It stirred up a lot, the postpartum period was hard and even though my lovely daughter was healthy and beautiful I felt that the birth had left a scar. But why. The more I dove into it, the more I realized how many women have a similar experience. Even my mom in-law who is 76 still tears up when she talks about the birth experience that was very difficult.
Our stories are a big part of us, how we give meaning, how we see ourselves and others, and often where we can get stuck or lost.
With the birth stories I feel it helps heal a painful experience. When working with them consciously we can see what we learned, what we had no control over, and how strong we were. Instead of just being the victim or being lost in guilt. Maybe you wanted to give birth naturally and didn’t, you feel that you failed. Or didn’t know what was going on and feel that you wanted to know more. Maybe you didn’t know how to ask for support. We can be VERY hard on ourselves.
In any way working with a story that hurts and captures us, can give you the freedom to move on with greater strength.
Please provide one business tip that you feel can really help a mom entrepreneur with her business.
You will be offered SO many ways to make money, grow, get business right etc. For me reminding myself that I need to check with me own gut first has helped. The money panic can make us buy or do all sorts of things that in the end might not be aligned with our mission and message. Oh and consistency, something I have had to get better at the past few years, and it makes a world of difference!
Related Article: Mompreneur Interview with Kathy Stowell, founder, Mama Bliss Coaching
1 thing you do for yourself to unwind from it all?
I go outside. We live in a house in the woods, and leaving my computer and going out to sit in the sun – just because – is such a great way to unwind. It is the best medicine for me.
I don’t have to set a whole lot in motion, pay anything, or drive very far. I also love massages, date nights, going out with friends, but the regular and profound unwind comes when I am outside.
Share a website you like to browse just for fun.
Ooooh, I love and Kathy from fun and beautiful sites.
Share a favorite book.
I read a lot, but a book that changed me was “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” By Robert Pirsig. Read it when I was 18 and it blew me away.

Carina Lyall works with women’s stories and coaches women from around the world. She offers Simply Alive sessions and birth story work. Humor, down to earth and a none fixed model approach in essential to her.
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