If you experience any of these signs then you’re in need of emergency medical treatment.
With accident and emergency departments struggling to cope with demand, many people take the view that they should only seek medical assistance if they are on death’s door.
Unfortunately, the majority of people aren’t actually very good at working out whether they are on death’s door or not. Sepsis, for example, can be something that many people brush off as a mild infection or feeling ‘a little bit under the weather’, when actually, it is a serious illness, which if left untreated can be fatal. No one wants their family to be planning their funeral and picking out funeral cremation urns, so when you think something just isn’t right, or experience any concerning symptoms, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash
Here are some signs that you need emergency medical treatment, either at the emergency room, dentist, or with an urgent care doctor.
You’re Finding It Hard To Breathe
People can find it challenging to breathe for all kinds of reasons, from choking on a foreign object to COPD.
If finding it hard to breathe, however, is something new for you, then you need to go to the emergency room immediately or call an ambulance. It could be that you’re having an allergic reaction to food, insect bite, or poison in your environment.
It could also be a sign that your lungs are filling with liquid.
You Are Finding It Difficult To Speak
If somebody is having trouble speaking or are experiencing paralysis, then it could be a sign that they are suffering a stroke.
A stroke occurs when blood can’t reach a section of the brain. The stroke causes the brain to die off, leading to a host of symptoms.
The Mayo Clinic recommends that people use the FAST acronym to look out for symptoms of a stroke.
- “F” stands for face. People should check the facial expression of the person having a stroke. Often one side of the face will droop.
- “A” is for arms. If the person can’t raise their arms or lower them, then it could be a sign of a stroke.
- “S” is for speech. People going through a stroke can struggle to form sentences.
- “T” is for time. When somebody is experiencing a stroke, it’s a race against the clock. The longer they must wait for medical treatment, the more damage is done to their brain.
You Have Severe Abdominal Pain Along With Stomach Swelling And Fatigue
Abdominal conditions can be incredibly severe and life-threatening. Appendicitis, gall bladder attacks, and pancreatitis can all put your life at risk. If you leave any of these conditions to work themselves out, they lead to secondary complications, like sepsis, which are much more challenging to manage.
If the pain is sudden, unexpected, or different from usual, then seek emergency assistance immediately.
You Have A Jaw Fracture
People can get jaw fractures for all kinds of reasons, whether it’s falling off a bicycle or an injury in sport. Unfortunately, a jaw fracture cannot wait. It is something that requires immediate medical and dental assistance. Symptoms of a jaw fracture include things like drooling or inability to close the mouth, a numb chin or lower lip, and the sensation that the teeth do not fit together correctly.
Dentists can help treat jaw fractures, restore the natural shape of the jaw, and repair any tooth damage that might have resulted from the incident.

You Have Flu-Like Symptoms That Won’t Respond To Treatment
Most of the time, you can deal with cold and flu at home. However, respiratory infections can be difficult for the body to eliminate. Sometimes, it’s not a cold or the flu at all, but something else.
In situations like these, it’s best to go and see the emergency care doctor. Your life isn’t in danger right now, but you may require urgent medical attention if you have a nasty infection that your immune system cannot beat.
People typically experience fever, elevated body temperature, muscle aches, sweating, and tiredness when they have the flu. Unfortunately, this list of symptoms also applies to a host of other conditions, too, many of which are much more severe.
You Have An Injury That Threatens A Limb
Obviously, if you have a deep wound or have a broken bone that threatens a limb, you should go straight to the emergency room. An injury that won’t stop bleeding can be a terrifying experience and indicates that you need emergency treatment immediately.
Don’t be put off if you’re worried about the costs. While you might pay high fees, going to the emergency room can save your life. You can always pay off bills in the future when you are fit and well again if you don’t have medical insurance.
You’re Having Suicidal Thoughts
Being suicidal is a consequence of severe mental health problems and a sign that you need immediate medical assistance.
If you do experience these kinds of thoughts, then it is essential to understand that they are not a normal part of regular life. They often result from a severe mental health issue. Going to an urgent care doctor can provide you with access to the treatment you need to fight symptoms of depression and help restore order to your life.
You Have A Stiff Neck
While you can experience a stiff neck for a number of relatively benign reasons, it is something that you need to get checked out, especially if it comes on suddenly for no apparent reason.
A stiff neck is a sign of meningitis, a disease that attacks the protective lining which surrounds the brain. Damage to this can lead to severe brain damage and life-threatening fever.
You Have Uncontrollable Vomiting And Diarrhea
Every year, around 50,000 people die from foodborne illnesses. Food poisoning can be exceptionally severe because it not only taxes the immune system but weakens it through a lack of food at the same time.
Uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea that lasts for more than 48 hours is a serious problem and reason enough to seek emergency medical care.
You Suddenly Feel Dizzy Or Weak
If you’re over the age of 55 and suddenly feel dizzy or weak, then it could be a sign that you are experiencing cardiovascular issues. Going to the hospital will allow doctors to test your condition and provide emergency drugs to help resolve the problem.
In summary, seeking medical attention is vital. When you know the signs and symptoms, you can protect yourself and your loved ones.