Business trips can be pretty exhausting but a few tactics can help to make it more manageable
Going on business trips is often necessary for both employed people and those who run their own business. Sometimes you need to work with others in person because using various tech to communicate isn’t enough. While a lot of business trips might last a few days at most, some involve going away for a little longer. If you’re planning on being gone for several weeks or even a few months then you’re going to need a solid plan to help you survive. You might be hundreds or thousands of miles from home and perhaps even in another country. It can be pretty exhausting but a few tactics can help to make it more manageable.
Business trips can be pretty exhausting but a few tactics can help to make it more manageable.Click To Tweet
Can the Kids Come?
If you’re going to be gone for a while, one question you might ask yourself is whether your family can (or should) come with you. Having them come along could be a good experience, but it’s not always the right thing to do. If they do come, remember that you’re going to be spending your time working, and that’s the main purpose of the trip. If you’re going to be away for a few months and it won’t hurt your family to move for a while, it could be a good idea. But there’s no need to have everyone come with you on every long trip. You might miss them, but it’s likely that everyone can survive with you gone for a while.
Find the Right Place to Stay
When you go on any business trip longer than a day, you need somewhere to stay. But if you’re going to be gone for a while, it’s a good idea to think about the appropriate places for you to stay. Usually, you might opt for a hotel for a few nights. However, staying in a hotel for a few weeks or even a couple of months isn’t ideal. Somewhere you can feel more at home is better. If you look at apartments instead, you can save money, have your own space, and cook for yourself instead of eating out all the time. Some properties will have excellent facilities for you to use, and perhaps you can even get to know the neighbors. Picking proper accommodation is essential for a long trip.
Put the Perfect Wardrobe Together
Knowing what to pack for a long business trip can be tough. If you’re going to be away for an extended period, how do you avoid just packing everything you have? Maybe you’re even going to be gone while the seasons are changing, so you’re not sure what sort of weather to pack for. You don’t want to avoid going overboard, even if you will be settling into one place for a while. If you want to keep things compact, try planning a capsule wardrobe. This means choosing a few key pieces that you can mix and match, while keeping the number of clothes you take on the lower end of the scale. Remember that if you’re desperate, you can always buy things at the other end.
Pack the Essentials
As well as clothes, you’ll have to think about what else you need for an extended business trip. A lot of the things you take will likely be the same things you would pack for a shorter trip. You might need all your personal and work tech, like your laptop, tablet, and phone. You’ll need toiletries, of course, but since you might need more than you usually would, maybe buying them when you arrive could be a better idea. Don’t forget to pack some things for fun, whether it’s your swimsuit or a couple of books. And taking something from home can be comforting when you start to feel homesick.
Learn Some of the Local Language
If you’re going to a foreign country, you might find yourself surrounded by an unfamiliar language. This can be exciting, but also a little frightening. If you’re going to be there a while, picking up at least a few key phrases can be super useful. You don’t need to know much, but a couple of niceties, questions, and polite things to say can get you far. People like to see that you’re at least making an effort. You can learn a few things related to public transport, restaurants, and perhaps business too. It will show you’re interested in connecting with people, and it can make your trip a little easier too.
Eating While You’re Away
Your diet can change a lot when you’re on a business trip. A lot of people give themselves permission to eat what they want, especially because eating out is more convenient. You might also have to go to a lot of business dinners, which makes eating out unavoidable. You might also find yourself faced with a very different food selection. But trying to keep your diet healthy is important while you’re away for longer. Renting your own accommodation where you have the facilities to cook definitely helps with this. You can resist the temptation of eating out all the time and save money by cooking for yourself.
Stay in Touch with Home
It can be easy to miss home when you’re away, especially when your kids are back home. But staying in touch doesn’t need to be hard, although it can be trickier if there’s a time difference. Choose a method of contact and a sensible time to get in touch with home and engage with everyone. You can call or use video calls to talk to your kids after school or even read them a story before bedtime. There’s nothing wrong with the old-fashioned ways of staying in touch, either. Maybe send some gifts home, or even some postcards, and they could send you care packages.
Keeping Up a Routine
Working away from home disrupts your life, but if it’s a long trip, you have time to get into more of a routine. This is good news if you want to stick to something like your routine at home, especially if you decided to bring your family with you. Try to replicate what you do at home, from going to the gym to enjoying breakfast in the morning. While you can’t make everything exactly the same, you can get into a healthy routine.
Plan Non-work Activities
Whenever you’re on a business trip, there’s a danger of spending all your free time holed up in your room or apartment, watching TV. It’s even worse if you’re going to be away for weeks or months, and you can end up feeling extremely bored. Make sure you get out and about by planning some things to do. If you’re visiting somewhere new, you’re sure to find something interesting to keep you occupied.

Make the Most of Your Time
The main purpose of your trip is to conduct some business activities, whatever they may be. So make sure that the trip is worth it by giving your time and energy to these activities and helping to ensure a positive outcome. You might be on the trip alone, or you could have some colleagues or employees with you. Perhaps you’re meeting with clients, or you’re visiting another office to see how they run things. Do what you can to ensure you meet the goals you have for your trip and make sure it’s not a waste of your time.
Long business trips can be exhausting, but they can also be worth it for what they achieve. If you’re about to go on one, make sure you’re well prepared before you leave.