Job searching after receiving your university degree can be a bit daunting but these tips can help you find a job that suits you…

When you finish your university degree and decide that it’s time to start job searching, it can be a little bit daunting to say the least. If you have been working part time jobs throughout your study you will have an idea of how the working world works but it will come as a shock how your lifestyle changes once you get a full time position somewhere.

Finding the right job for you after all these years of hard work can be a huge task and even if you have spent the last few years studying you still might not be sure what you want to be. The good news is though that you will be able to use these tips to find a job which suits you.

Job Searching After Graduating: Hacks You Need To Know Click To Tweet


Branch out beyond your major

If you are really unsure about your future and you have studied for the last few years only to realize that you hate the subject, it’s ok to do something different. When you apply and enter university you are in a certain stage of your life where you are open to anything and you have no idea of what you want to become. Your mind can change over the years and maybe by the end of your degree you don’t even want to work in this field anymore. Don’t panic. Just branch out into other areas and the fact that you have a degree can still work in your favor for the fact that you are able to study and manage your time.


Don’t be afraid to take risks

Taking risks in any aspect of your life is the most terrifying thing you will ever do, but it can also be the best thing you ever do. When making a decision this big about your life you have to listen to your own instincts and never let anyone else push you in a certain direction. This means that even if your family and your partner is willing you one way, you must be willing to go the other if you feel that this is right for you. This is your life and now is the time to take control of it. Job searching is a great start to accepting a career in a field that may feel out of reach. Don’t be afraid to take the risk!


Travel first

When it comes to job searching in the field you have studied in after university, this can be just as hard and you might not have a clue where to start on your search. The good thing is that companies such as exist who can give your advice and help you find an entry level position which will put you in good stead to progress in your chosen field.


Keep on learning

Learning is probably the last thing you want to be doing once you finally get out of university, however for certain jobs and types of careers it might be better for you to stay on and do another course which furthers your knowledge and skills. This can be seen very much in jobs such as science where masters courses like these are always advised for those who want to go on and do great things in the industry.


Ask your family

Family can be a great tool to use in a situation like this because your family will all have their own network of people who they can talk to and ask about job opportunities. With this working world being so competitive these days you can afford all of the help you can get job searching for your chosen field and family can be a great way to spread the word through different circles and find you a job you wouldn’t have found on your own.


Know your passions

Passion is a huge part of life and it applies to every single area of our lives. We want to have passion in our personal life because this passion can be a driving force for love, and in our career we want to be able to do something we genuinely love and care about. Sit down this afternoon and think about what you love and what you are passionate about. Do you love nature and animals? Maybe you should work in conservation. Maybe you love art and expressing yourself on the canvas… you can try and become an artist. There are so many different things you can do with your life and you just need to find the thing which makes you want to jump out of the bed every single morning.


Work on your strengths

Your strengths will be the driving force behind any career move and it is always important to make sure that your strengths are what stands out when you go for a job interview. Take time to work on your communication skills with people and ensure that you are always able to be a happy go lucky type of person inside and out. People like to work with people, so be sure that your skills shine through and that you are able to get along from that first handshake.

Job Searching After Graduating: Hacks You Need To Know
Job Searching After Graduating: Hacks You Need To Know

Try more than one thing

You don’t have to choose a career path and stay on this path for the whole of your life. You will change through the years and just because you start out as a graphic designer doesn’t mean that you can’t be an artist later down the line. Be able to change your career to suit this stage in your life and don’t worry about trying a few different things. If anything it could be a wonderful decision for you.


Nail your CV

Your CV will be the piece of paper that shows who you are to any prospective employer and it will always be the first port of call for any interview. Make sure that your CV is clear, concise and to the point and that you have every one of your skills on display for people to see. A great CV will be what gets you the job you want.


Job Searching After Graduating: Hacks You Need To Know appeared first on Mompreneur Media