By focusing on maintaining a healthy body and mind on a daily basis we can increase our lifespan and have a more enjoyable life…
There are so many things that we can do on a daily basis to increase our lifespan. There’s also a lot that we should avoid doing. These things often come in the form of habits. Some are difficult to maintain, but have mental and physical health benefits that are worth the extra work. Others are too easily enjoyable and often difficult to avoid, but do more harm in the long run.

By focusing on maintaining a healthy body and mind, we can add years to our lives and be able to achieve more before our time comes. How well you take care of yourself in your younger years also determines how you’ll feel and be able to perform as you reach retirement age.
In this post, we’ll look at ways that anyone, no matter how old, can add years to their life and feel healthier and happier for longer.
This should be common knowledge at this point, but smoking is extremely good at shortening your lifespan. From chronic lung problems, heart disease and osteoporosis to memory loss – not to mention the toll it takes on your finances – you have a lot to lose from feeding this harmful habit.
Your ability to exercise is also compromised, namely due to your impaired ability to breathe. Quitting isn’t always easy, but completely possible and absolutely necessary no matter how long you’ve been smoking. In a few years, your risk of developing the above-mentioned conditions and diseases is often completely eliminated.
One of the most frightening effects of smoking is cancer. Quitting will progressively reduce your risk of dying from smoking related cancers. Better-looking teeth, improved hygiene and an increased amount of spare money come with quitting smoking.
Control your drinking habit
It may surprise you to learn that alcohol’s negative impact on your health starts immediately after you take your very first sip. Enjoying an occasional glass of wine may not be a great cause for concern. However, overdoing it may cause your health and wellness to hit a downward spiral and eventually shorten your lifespan. For example, When you consume way too much alcohol, you force your pancreas to release more digestive enzymes. The build-up of pancreatic enzymes can give rise to a chronic health complication known as pancreatitis. To live long enough to accomplish your dreams, learn how to stop drinking, or at least control your drinking habits.

Physical and Mental Exercise
If you’re not used to participating in a physically intensive activity there’s always somewhere that you can start. A brisk daily walk can slowly be upgraded to a short daily run. Some morning stretches can evolve into a full bodyweight workout routine.
Exercise is proven to be beneficial to your physical health. You become stronger and will feel better compared to someone who doesn’t exercise. This also applies to your brain.
Mental exercises such as crossword puzzles and strategy games will keep your mind working at an optimum level. This becomes increasingly important as you get older. Maintaining sufficient brain activity will help you avoid a variety of brain-related diseases.
Health Products
Many vitamins are available on the market. Lifespan extension products such as those found at Blue Sky Vitamin are exactly that, providing your body with the physical boost it needs to remain in working order for longer. You will definitely need to do more research to ensure you choose what is right for your body.
By ensuring that you’re consuming a sufficient number of vitamins and minerals, your immune system will stay strong and help your body fight off diseases. If you feel like your body is lacking a certain vitamin, consult a professional.

Healthy Diet
The phrase “you are what you eat” is truer than you might think. Everything you consume determines your body’s overall health. There are many different ideas on what constitutes a healthy diet, certain foods remain number one in terms of being essential for daily consumption.
Fruits and vegetables may not be everyone’s favorites – but they’re impossible to live without. Pick your favorites and keep a colorful plate with sufficient variety. Eat foods that are as whole and natural. avoid sugar at all costs, and cut back on heavy consumption of meats.
By maintaining a healthy diet, our bodies are better equipped to fight off age-related problems. Drink more water, and then more, until water is the only thing you’re drinking – because nothing is better for you. It’s also a lot cheaper.
These are the basic building blocks to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and remaining in peak physical and mental condition. By being the healthiest version of yourself, you can not only increase your lifespan, but live better. You’ll have more time to do things that are otherwise unattainable to those who are constrained by an unhealthy lifestyle.
Much of this entails eliminating bad habits, you’ll be left with more money to spend on the things that truly matter in life. Take care of yourself and the rest will fall in place.