A lot of people out there are in a career that they don’t really like
A lot of people out there are in a career that they don’t really like. It’s money, of course, but there is just something missing from their lives. If this sounds like you, then it’s probably time to think about a career change. However, if you don’t know what you want to do for a living, how can you start planning your exit? In today’s guide, we’re going to go through some ideas with you that will help you find what it is you are looking for. Even if you don’t know what it is right at this moment. Let’s get started straight away.
Make a decision
First of all, you have to decide that you are going to find a new career. It’s not good enough to while away your time at work thinking about changing; you need to act upon it. Start being active, and stop moping. Fill your time learning about new subjects that interest you, and talk to acquaintances about the work they do. You aren’t going to find a solution without action – so make your decision, and get started today.
How To Change Career When You Aren’t Sure What To DoFind a coach or counselor
Most young people have career guidance when they are still at school or college. You might remember doing various tests at the time, and finding out your ideal job was a marine biologist or something. So, it’s strange that so few adults who want to change careers don’t revisit this experience. A coach or counselor can give you valuable career advice, and you will know a lot more about yourself now than you did back then. There are plenty out there, so if you are truly struggling to understand what you want out of your life, we recommend paying them a visit.
Unblock yourself
You have to ask yourself what is stopping you from seeking out a different path in your professional life. Perhaps you have a dream job, but you won’t commit to it because you don’t feel like you can make it. There is a lot that can happen in your subconscious that prevents you from being positive, so it’s important to deal with it. If you can’t let go of those negative thoughts and step outside of yourself, you will just keep repeating those patterns of behavior.
Stop saying no
When you are dreaming of doing something different for a living, it can be tempting to put those thoughts to bed. But why? What is to stop you from taking things further, or starting your own business? If you picture yourself as a physiotherapist, then investigate your options. Sure, it might cost you money to go through training, but is there a way of putting some savings aside to pay for it? Perhaps there are some work experience opportunities in your local community. Maybe you could volunteer to help out at a seniors home, and ask to shadow a physio there? There is a lot you can do – but only you can make t happen. So, start saying yes to your dreams and visions, and stop discounting them as silly or unachievable. You won’t know what you want to do until you investigate your possibilities.