Creating a good working environment is a lot more important than you might think.
Creating a good working environment is a lot more important than you might think. It will keep your employees happy and it makes good business sense because a happier workforce are far more efficient. It has been proven that productivity increases significantly in employees that have a positive work environment so making sure that everybody is happy could actually make your company more profitable. There are a lot of different factors that affect how happy somebody is at work, these are a few of the main ones.
Making sure everybody is happy in their work environment could actually make your company more profitable.Click To Tweet
Positive Reinforcement
This is a very important one. We often forget to tell people that we value them and this is probably more common in the workplace. Your employees dedicate a lot of their time to your company and they are one of the reasons that it is a success. But if they feel that their hard work is not appreciated, then they might stop making such a big effort. You only need to make sure that when they complete a task you asked them to do, you say thank you, and let them know that you appreciate the quality of work. Positive reinforcement is such a simple thing but it can make a huge difference.
Be Open to Your Employees
You might be the boss but that doesn’t mean that you know everything. Your employees are the ones that are running the office day to day, so if they come to you with problems, make sure you listen. Your employees need to feel comfortable coming to speak to you about any issues that they may have. These will usually be things that make their job harder so listening to them and working together to come up with solutions, will make the working environment better for them, as well as increasing efficiency around the office.
Good Location
The actual office itself can also have a big impact. If it is an outdated office without any of the comforts that people are used to, it can be a drag working in there. Think about the way that the office is decorated as well. People will be less positive generally if they spend all day in a dull grey office with peeling paint and harsh neon lights. Try to make the office a nice place that people won’t mind spending their days in. If the office is very old then it might be time for an upgrade. Find a new building and hire some office removalists to move you in. You’d be surprised at the difference a new building will make.

Encourage Fun
That doesn’t mean encouraging your employees to spend all day messing around and not doing any work. But you should be creating a workplace that doesn’t take itself too seriously all of the time. Dress-down Fridays, charity events and office parties are all good ways to inject a bit of fun into the office. It will also improve the relationship between employees which is important as they will work better together if they get on well.
If you follow these steps, you can increase productivity around the office, and have a bit of fun while you do.