If you’re planning on setting up your own global office for your enterprise, you need to know how to do it. Here’s a some tips to keep in mind.
Whatever business you are involved in, it seems like the marketplace is ever expanding. E-commerce and brick & mortar stores alike are seeing the benefits of employing people from across the globe. This doesn’t mean landed immigrants are being hired on-site, either. Globalization and advances in technology mean that these employees can be located anywhere in the world. Your payroll software could be handled by someone who doesn’t even live in the United States!
If you’re planning on setting up your own global office for your enterprise, you need to know how to do it. Here are a few simple tips to keep in mind for your worldly office to succeed.
Vet for Strong English Skills
While having an office that is populated by a remote workforce can be beneficial to your business, it can just as easily hinder it. The main issues arise if there is a language barrier. Simply put, your remote workers need to have a strong grasp of the English language. Understanding English isn’t enough, as there are many nuanced terms that we use to convey our point. By vetting the quality of your employees’ English skills, you can avoid pitfalls down the road.
Communication is Important
Speaking in English is one way to ensure proper communication, but having a structured line of communication is even more important. Be sure that your team is checking in daily. This is especially important when you employ a global team. They’ll be however many hours ahead or behind where you are. Keeping in touch with them consistently is essential to your team – and your business’ – success.
Don’t Micromanage
It can be easy to want to have your finger in every pie that your global workforce is baking. Stop that. You’ve taken the time to hire the right people, so you need to allow them to do their thing. They won’t be able to work properly if you are continuously interrupting the work. Give lots of advice, but very few orders.
Organize a Work Plan
To have a truly successful team working abroad for you, there needs to be a plan in place to allow them to work well. This means getting an ironclad plan in place. Each member of your global team has a different way of working that helps them complete tasks efficiently and effectively. This is where communication lines come in handy. Having a great communication system helps develop a smooth work plan.
Don’t Be Afraid to Travel
Another important tip that will help your business succeed is to physically travel to the location of your important global assets. You don’t have to be ever-present (remember the micromanaging point?). But it’s important to let your global team know that you care about them enough to visit. This helps keep your employees engaged with your business.
Be Flexible
Businesses that decide to employ a more global workforce are generally more open to changes in their business climate and marketplace. That means that they are more aware of any issues that may arise involving cultural and legal differences abroad. We are talking about language differences, staffing laws that may apply, and other hassles that some companies are not ready to handle head-on. It’s important to be flexible when it comes to hiring globally.

See the Road Ahead
In addition to the last point, you need to just be vigilant in general. There may be problems that arise with your new employees that you can’t avoid – family issues, improper vetting, communication issues, etc. By keeping your eyes open and scanning the horizon for these issues, you can keep your global workforce strong and working beautifully.
Global Offices Help Immensely
Whatever business you operate, having a globally staffed office can be very beneficial. As long as you understand the issues that can arise, keep a schedule, and communicate, your team will work hard for you. Just keep them pointed in the right direction – like a good manager should – and everything will be just fine.