It can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to creating an engaging stand, so here are 5 things to note to get you started on your journey to engage with visitors at an exhibition

Gone are the days where your show exhibition means sitting down at a table with a poster attached to a wall with sticky tape waiting for people to come to you. Instead, engagement is becoming king and is vital to have a successful show with an impressive ROI.

It can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to creating an engaging stand, so here are 5 tips to get you started on your journey to engage with visitors at an exhibition.

How to engage with visitors at an exhibition
How to engage with visitors at an exhibition

Be seen

It’s important to make it really clear who you are and what you do. Visitors have a split second to make the decision while they walk through aisles as to whether they stop by your stand or not.

Make sure your logo is at the top of your display to be seen above the crowd as well as a short USP or strapline message to tell people what you do.

Make sure your logo is at the top of your display to be seen above the crowd.Click To Tweet

It’s important to make sure that your stand is visually appealing while conforming to your brand guidelines. Use roller banner stands such as these, to create a branded backdrop display.

Remember, when it comes to design, less is more. Let your displays pull people in with simple yet stunning graphics and branding.

Be approachable

After your displays have done their job to bring people to your stand, your on-stand staff next have the responsibility of converting your visitors into leads or sales.

There’s nothing more off-putting to visitors than a pushy salesperson. A simple smile, hello, or question can help to start a conversation with visitors and make them stop and look at your stand for a second.

Be a great listener

Remember that half the job of a salesperson on an exhibition stand is to listen to the needs of visitors. Start with open questions to work out if they could be a potential lead. You can then make the decision as to whether you explain more about your products, or move them on if the shoe doesn’t fit.

Be knowledgeable

Train your staff before the event so that everybody knows your priorities and knows how to behave on the stand. Such as not looking at mobile phones and acting in a professional manner.

It also helps to run through your top products to make sure your staff come across as knowledgeable when asked key questions by visitors.

Be fun

Everybody loves a good game at an exhibition – think about any fun games you could play with a potential prize on offer.

Whether that’s a digital game on an iPad stand or a hands on game you’ve concocted, they’re great at getting attention and getting more people to visit your stand.

Also think about giving away a prize for the winner such as an iPad or free services – think about what your customers would want from a prize and you’ll be sure to attract the right audience to take part.

Make sure you take their details down too so that you can follow up with them as potential leads after the show!


How to engage with visitors at an exhibition first appeared on Mompreneur Media