You have to admit that you cannot do everything yourself, and running a small business is one of them…
The trait of doing everything ourselves goes back to when we were young children and learned to tie our shoelaces. Remember how proud you were that now you did not need any help to put your shoes on? This trait follows us through life. You have to admit that you cannot do everything yourself, and running a small business is one of them.
Learn To Ask For Help
This might be a whole new lesson for you to learn as a busy mompreneur. But if you do not seek help you could end up with no business. There are some tasks that must be done. You cannot just put them to one side for another day, as that day will never come.
Friends or family that could give you a hand with some of the mundane things you need to do. There is also the option of outsourcing some of the jobs.
There’s no shame in using a company that can provide IT consulting and support. Freelancers can handle all of your bookkeeping. These professionals are out there to help people like you, and they are businesses looking to grow just the same as you are.
There are no end of jobs that freelancers and agencies can take off your shoulders, you just have to ask.
More Free Time
It is very easy to let a business totally dominate your life, but if you want to stay sane, you need to have some free time as well. Getting other people to take some of the workload will mean that your stress levels will be reduced and you will have more free time to relax. Just make sure you make the most of it.
One Step At A Time
Some people get very scared about handing work over to others. They worry that the job will not be done correctly and so they plod on trying to do everything themselves. This is counterproductive and their business will suffer. Do not be one of these people or you will end up so stressed and tired, you will be fit for nothing.
If you are concerned about the quality of the work, pass on just one job at a time so that you can keep an eye on what is being done. When you are happy with that and you realize how much simpler this is, you can do the same with the next mundane task.

Eventually, you will only be doing what you are best at and your business will benefit. As you see it grow because you have dared to ask for help, you will be glad that you have not continued to wear so many hats. Give it a try, the rewards will start to happen very quickly.