Many mompreneurs are confused about what the proper workplace makeup look is. Here’s some tips on creating makeup tutorials for mom entrepreneurs.
Moms are a busy bunch. The pressure is more for mommas who have an entire business to manage. Amidst childcare and business responsibilities, it becomes harder to find room for makeup. But when you are meeting your clients you have to be at your best professional get-up. And that not only means the right business suit but also proper workplace makeup. New mom-entrepreneurs are often confused on the right makeup for professional meetings. Are you often admired for your impeccable workplace make-up? Well, you can help the fellow mom entrepreneurs here by creating a smart workplace makeup tutorial video.
The post below offers tips on creating no-fuss makeup tutorials for mom entrepreneurs.
Get the right program
As you are a mom too, it’s given that you don’t have time to set the tripods and get into all such elaborate arrangements to shoot the video. But, then, how to make tutorial videos without such detailed arrangements?
Well, the solution is simple. Just invest in a good screen recording program. A fine example will be Movavi Screen Recorder Studio. You will simply need to install the video in your system and then you can shoot the video with your webcam. The program even comes with editing and conversion tools.
Mind the lighting
Excessive bright lighting is a nuisance for any video. Ring lights are often suggested for perfect videos. If you can’t get ring lights, the natural sunlight would do wonders for you. But don’t shoot when the sun is at its peak. The best time to shoot the video will be early morning hours. You have to use diffused natural light for optimum visibility for your viewers.
Be in professional attire
Since you will create the video for workplace makeup, it’s better to shoot the video in a workplace attire. This way, it will enable your viewers to comprehend how the makeup will complement their business dress or suit. Moreover, it will help to create a professional aura for your home-made video that will leverage the significance of your video big time.
Tip for background
The ideal background for a makeup video is usually a rack adorned with perfectly organized makeup essentials. But you are a busy mom and so are your viewers. So, it’s taken for granted that you can’t have a not-so-clean backdrop for your video. But still, try to stay organized with your background as much as possible. A cluttered backdrop is always distracting for viewers. It will be better to use a white wall as a backdrop for your video.

Clean brushes
It’s absolutely essential to clean your brushes before using them for your tutorial. Dirty brushes may lead to infections. You certainly don’t want your viewers to get any sort of wrong or misleading message through your video.
Finally, try to keep the video as simple as possible. Do not use any high-end make-up tool or product that will be painstaking to access. Remember, your video is for busy entrepreneur moms and not for a fashion walk.