Here’s how to have fun playing around with different scents to create your own personalized fragrances at home.

There are so many different fragrances in the world, but there is nothing like wearing something you made yourself, like a freshly knitted jumper, a crochet hat, a mug you crafted yourself. So why shouldn’t your perfume be any different?
Here is how you can easily create your own fragrances at home!
The method
For the purpose of this explanation, we’ll use a nice and easy flower, such as lavender. So, firstly, you will need to have a nice bunch of flowers. With lavender, the scent also carries down the stem, so you can use the whole flower, and there is no need to take off the heads or the petals like you would have to with a rose. This also means you can use less of the flowers, leaving more for your garden. You also won’t need to crush the flowers as much, but if you want to do some different flowers at the same time, you can mix and crush them using a pestle and mortar. It helps if the flowers are dried.
Then, you should put the lavender into freshly boiled water. The heat from the water helps the lavender’s scent and oils infuse with the water. Leaving it for a longer amount of time makes the scent stronger and makes it last longer, so leave it to sit for a minimum of 10 minutes. Stir well, then separate the lavender from its infused water. This is done through a process of filtration: it is best done with a semi-permeable material, such as a thick paper towel or kitchen roll. Strain the lavender, and be sure to squeeze out the towel well.
As we don’t want the lavender water to separate into the leftover oils of the plant and water, we’ll need to do a process of simple distillation. This is the process of boiling a mixture to separate two substances that would otherwise be difficult to separate. To do this, you should use distillation equipment, such as what PDX Gold offer on their website.
Pour the lavender water into the distillation flask, and heat your Bunsen burner until your thermometer reaches 100 ֯C and all the water has evaporated. This water is then cooled in the condensation tube, and collects in the receiving flask. This will be your lavender water. You may need to do this process once or twice, to make sure all of the oil is separated out.
Finishing up
You can use the lavender oil to make fragrance sticks or use it in wax to scent candles. The rest of the water can be put into a handy spray bottle or canister, and you can use it as an air freshener or perfume.
So there it is! How to make your own, personalized fragrances at home. You can do this with many different types of plants, from tree leaves, such as pine needles, to herbs like mint or chamomile, to flowers like roses and wisteria. Have fun, play around with which scents smell the best, and describe you!