Steps to create a blog post in WordPress
Log in to your WordPress.org dashboard
Log into your WordPress.org dashboard. If you are already logged in, you’ll notice the Admin bar at the top of your screen. This provides quick access to many common areas of WordPress.
Creating a new post
We want to add a new Post. The quickest way to do that is to click ‘Post’ under the ‘Add New’ menu.
You can also create a new post from your dashboard’s sidebar. To create a new post from within the Dashboard click “add new” under the “Posts” menu.
You’re now presented with a standard WordPress interface and fields that let you create a new post. Posts are at the core of most WordPress sites. Once you understand Posts, you’ll quickly be able to understand other sections of WordPress.
Begin writing your post
First enter a title. Second, add some content into the body of the post. For a basic post, it’s really as simple as that. We’ll just click publish, and the post is now publicly view-able.
Categorize your post
To categorize your posts, you can add a category using the “Categories” section on the right. You can either select an existing category or Add a New Category.
Add tags to your post
To add Tags, use the Post Tags module over here also on the right. Tagging your post is simple: just enter your tag and click “Add”or press enter on your keyboard. You can also add multiple tags by separating them with a comma.
There’s two ways you can use existing tags. If you start typing the name of a tag that already exists, WordPress will suggest it for you. Either click it, or press the down arrow on your keyboard and then enter. If you want to view a list of commonly used tags, you can click the ‘most used link’.
We talk more in depth about Categories and Tags with some usage examples and explanations of their many benefits in our next video, “Managing Categories & Tags.”
Saving your post
When you’re writing a post, you also have the option to save it as a draft and come back to it later. Saving a post as a draft does not publish the post, so you’re the only one who can see it. Once you save your post, that last save is time stamped at the bottom of your compose box. The nice thing is, even if you forget to save a draft, WordPress automatically saves a draft of your post every 2 minutes. To publish the post simply click on the publish button
And that is how you create a blog post in WordPress.
I hope you found this tutorial helpful. If you have any questions on how to create a blog post please share them with me in the comment box below!
With lots of creativity and success,
Nicole Orozco