Content marketing is an effective way of generating website traffic and new leads for your business
Content marketing is an effective way of generating website traffic and new leads for your business. This could ultimately grow sales and increase your online visibility, as well as putting you ahead of any competitors who are not using online marketing. For example, if you create a blog post which incorporates a keyword and relevant anchor text, then you will continue to generate leads and a source of traffic to your website. Of course, other aspects come into play. If you fail to have a user-friendly website, then you will lose sales. Customers will not waste their efforts trying to navigate a page when they could easily order a product and service in a shorter time-frame on a competitor’s website.
Essential Tips on Launching a Content Marketing CampaignClick To Tweet
Therefore, to help your business start an effective and winning content marketing campaign, we are offering you top advice which can be easily put into effect.
Create a Goal
Knowing your goals before putting a plan in motion will limit mistakes and ensure all employees and employers are in the know. Therefore, make sure regular meetings are setup, where questions can be raised and countered by intelligent answers. For example, do you want to set up your own blog, or hire writers who produce copy which is distributed onto outside blogger’s websites?
If you end up confused or end up offering more questions than answers, consider investing in the help of professionals such as Click Intelligence, who offer content marketing strategies which incorporate the input, wants and needs of the client.
Conduct Research
Once you know why and how you are going to conduct your content marketing, make sure you understand who you are marketing for. This means understanding whether your product or service is for the likes of mothers, men, women or teenage boys. By knowing your ‘buyer persona,’ you will reduce your levels of spam and dead ends. You can also cater your content to specific niches which coincide with your target audience. For example, teenage boys may be more interested in games; therefore, write a piece detailing the ‘Most Controversial Games to Date,’ and place a natural anchor text to your product or service. Of course, this only works if you can make your product organically fit into a person’s website, or piece of copy.
Consider Your Chosen Type of Content
Many people may only consider written content, which usually comes in the form of blog posts. However, there are a variety of options out there for you to use. For example, Facebook ranks video more highly than anything else. Therefore, if you wish to produce shareable content which would be successful on social media platforms, produce a video detailing your product or service. For optimal success, think outside the box, research what is trending, and create a video which is humorous.
Consistency is Key
Blogs which are consistent and produce a reliable flow of content are more successful than those who post sparingly. This is because loyal readers want to stay up to date with the industry you are blogging about. Also, if you are placing your brand in the posts of other bloggers, make sure they upload adverts on a frequent basis – without becoming spam.