Confidence comes from within, but there is one thing that also boosts your self-image and confidence instantly- Fashion.
Everyone admires people with self-confidence. When you are comfortable in your own skin, you carry yourself in the best possible way. It’s true that confidence comes from within, but there is one thing that also boosts your self-image and confidence instantly- Fashion. Think about yourself the last time when you wore your favorite dress to work or party, weren’t you feeling a little more confident? When you wear your favorite leather shoes with your favorite outfit that compliments you, you walk with your head held high. According to studies, your clothes play a major role in how you perform, how you feel and how you interact with other people.
So, let’s see how your wardrobe influences your self-image and why a quality wardrobe is a great investment.
According to research done at the University of Hertfordshire, you end up dressing according to your mood. For example, if you feel great, then you will wear bright colors that flatter you. But if you feel sad you end up wearing clothes that don’t flatter your body. However, studies also suggest that your mood improves when you switch to well-fitted, bright clothes. When your clothes control your mood by making you happy even in gloomier days, it’s known as “dopamine dressing”. Invest in a good summery shirt-dress that gives you a good feeling about yourself. Your dress must compliment you, hug your body at the right places and hide any extra fat. This will make you feel smart, elegant and confident.
Put the thinking caps on. Well, literally speaking clothes can change the ways you think!!! According to the Association for Psychological Science, the way you perceive yourself can influence decision-making. The clothes you wear can help you with problem-solving skills or coming up with new ideas. So, wear clothes not only to influence how others perceive about you but also engage yourself in abstract thinking. When you change your clothing from casual to bodybuilding apparel, you are more likely to work out. This happens because your apparel reminds you that you have to make healthy choices.
Well, this point is totally work-related. To all the working men and women out there, you need to put your best foot forward when it’s about talks on asking for a raise or closing a deal. Your clothes play a major role in these negotiations. According to a study by Scientific American, your chances of getting results in your favor is high when you wear formal clothes as compared to when you are casually dressed. Structured blazers are great fashion must-haves. These blazers with clean lines pair well with any look and immediately makes you look polished. Pairing this blazer with denim and silky blouse is a chic and formal look for your board room. You can also pair it with a casual white dress. These will beautifully hide any flaws, making you look confident.
Have you heard of enclothed cognition? No, it’s not any kind of ghostly possession but it’s close. Apparently, The New York Times says, that you manifest the traits of the garment you are wearing. Basically, any clothing/outfit associated with a specific role creates a mental image of that person and how he/she should behave. For example, people think that physicians are serious people, working very carefully and pay attention. Therefore, when someone wears a white physician’s coat, they tend to showcase these qualities.You can implement this in your life by dressing up like someone you admire. When you dress up in your role model’s way, you try to imbibe the characteristics of that person.

A well-tailored jacket means dressed for success. You look and feel more confident and powerful when you wear high-quality clothes. This makes you feel like a winner, allows you to take up challenges at work and in personal life(the reason why it’s called power clothing). According to The Atlantic, the way you carry yourself professionally changes your view and your style of approach towards different situations. Wearing well-structured clothes helps you to conduct business in the right frame of mind. You feel confident and enter a state of displaying dominance due to an increase in hormones. Everyone is perfect the way they are but sometimes a little bit of fat around your waistline can make you feel low. The plus-size-corsets can help you see your waist in shape and you can flaunt your favorite dress without worrying about any extra fat.
Fashion involves paying attention to small details like polished leather shoes, a matching belt, ironed shirt, and the right lingerie. Remember, people get their first impression from your appearance and only if that impresses them, will they approach you and make a connection. This will, in turn, increase your self-confidence and self-esteem.
5 Ways How Fashion can Help you Gain Confidence! appeared first on Momprneur Media
Author Bio
Jessica Smith has been writing articles for e-business and e-lance sites for more than 4 years. Her educational background is Masters in English and journalism which gives her a broad platform to write on a variety of topics with ease and efficiency. She is an independent writer especially enjoys writing on fashion and lifestyle