Being a working mom isn’t always easy, but it can also be a very rewarding experience if you approach it with a positive attitude
Being a working mom isn’t always easy, but it can also be a very rewarding experience if you approach it with a positive attitude. One area where it’s a good idea you focus your attention on if you want to be happy and successful is building up your confidence.
You should feel proud of how far you’ve come and all you’ve accomplished so far. It isn’t a time to be running and hiding or doubting yourself. Get excited about all the wonderful adventures your future holds if you remain in control and confident in your abilities! Don’t let any obstacles hold you back from being the powerful business woman you know you can be.
Dress to Impress
It’s not all about looks, but how you feel each day has an impact on your confidence level. If you dress to impress, then you’ll likely naturally carry yourself with more self-assurance. There are many attractive and trendy wardrobe options out there these days for working women. All it takes is you spending some time cleaning out your closet and doing a little shopping to update your options. Remember to also invest in some comfortable yet eye-catching shoes and a few accessories that will spice up your outfit. If you need help in this department, then check out some of the most admired workplace style bloggers for advice.
Be an Ideas Person
You need to be a thinker and problem solver if you’re going to feel more confident in an office environment. For example, if you own a freelancing business then consider proposing a solution to better manage your company by using one of the best freelance websites out there. Explain how it’s a great way to take on more projects and better manage clients and improve the invoicing process. Your team will likely jump onboard if you come to the discussion prepared with reasons why it would benefit you all, and you’re confident in your delivery. You have to keep trying to offer up new solutions and speak up if you’re going to feel more confident sharing your input eventually.
Go for A Promotion
If there’s one way to inspire and motivate you at work, it’s to go for that next big promotion. Be realistic and set your expectations early, so you don’t freak out if you don’t get it. However, just the reality that you’re going after a new and challenging role should give you more confidence in your abilities. The fact that you’re even being considered and that you see yourself stepping up should truly make you feel good about yourself. It is a great goal to have and will force you to get outside of your comfort zone and gain new experiences in the workplace. If you don’t land the position, then give yourself credit for trying and go for a different role down the line.
Stay Organized
Being organized helps you manage stress and feel more confident in yourself and your abilities overall. This is because you’re not always rushing around and struggling to find what it is you’re looking for. Take time to put your belongings in order both in your home and at the office and notice how much calmer and more collected you feel on any given day. You’ll be prepared to attend important meetings and take on extra assignments when your boss needs help. You also won’t be ashamed when other coworkers enter your office, and you need a space for discussing critical matters.
Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
It’s very difficult not to compare yourself to others, but realize it’s holding you back from feeling more confident. Although it’s good to be realistic as to how you measure up around the office, don’t obsess over what other people are doing or the progress they’re making on a regular basis. Look in the mirror and self-reflect to help you figure out what it is you need to be improving upon at work. Strive to be better then you were the day before and not let what other people are up to distract you away from your goals. Instead of spending time comparing yourself to others, outline your strengths and weaknesses and determine what you should focus on going forward.
Find A Mentor
Another simple secret for boosting your confidence around the office is to find a business mentor who you trust and can turn to in times of need. Work with them outside of your work schedule and pick their brain about how they got to where they are today and what tips they have for you as you work on gaining more confidence. They are the perfect person to turn to should you have a bad day or are facing a sticky situation in the office you need help sorting through. Ask them what areas you should be working on outside of business hours and strategies for enhancing your skills, so you feel more confident.
Keep A Journal
You may not realize half of what’s floating around in your head until you actually write it down. Journal how you feel when you’re at work and what roadblocks you believe are keeping you from reaching your goals. Boost your confidence around the office by reading through your notes daily and working on overcoming your fears and hesitations. It is also a good opportunity for you to record down what you do like about yourself and your specific contributions in the workplace. Read these ideas over and let them sink in to help you build up your confidence.

Work is more fun when you have a positive outlook on yourself and your abilities. Use these simple secrets for boosting your confidence around the office and feeling great about yourself each day. Get in the habit of recalling what you do bring to the table and why your company is lucky to have you. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and begin to recognize all of the wonderful and amazing attributes you have to offer at work.