Taking tea of coffee breaks when you’re in business are a must. When it comes to running a company, either by yourself or as part of a team, having a good 5 to 20 minutes here and there can save you a lot of stress! However, there’s both and good and bad ways to spend this time. Depending on when you take your break, and what you do during that break, you might end up just wasting those few relaxing minutes in the middle of a busy day.
Taking a coffee break is actually incredibly good for your productivity throughout the day, as it means you never reach burnout. It keeps your mind on task and your energy flowing, and sometimes you can fit a quick power nap in if you need it! Here’s a couple of ways to better spend your coffee breaks.
Be Mindful
We all like to sit down on a comfy chair in the staffroom and pop the TV on, and yet this might just be a waste of the time you have to yourself! So being mindful is something we hear about all the time nowadays, and for good reason! Letting yourself be in the moment, and not thinking about the immediate future i.e. the work you have to get back to in 10 minutes or so, is incredibly good for your health.
Being mindful can take a lot of practice, so try it at home first when you’ve had to take the quarterly reports along with your for the third time in a row. Taking the time and effort to pause and just sit is something we don’t do enough of in our lives, and there’s no better time to let your brain and body indulge in it than when you need to gear yourself up for an allnighter!
Have Some Fun
But not just any kind of fun! It needs to be something you can really sink your teeth into to get away from the daily grind, and something you know you’re going to be able to relax with. Often that means bringing a crossword puzzle into work with you, or doing some word searches to take your mind off things. These can easily turn into group activities when others are around, which once again helps to make work go a little easier.
Yet, if you don’t have any puzzles on hand, you can always turn to your mobile. Dig out your phone and open up a grand strategy game, such as https://www.finalfantasyxvapp.com/, and get yourself going on an empire of your own creation! It’s a little outlandish but still has all the elements of manoeuvring you often need in business, so you might as well have some fun with it!

There’s a lot of ways to better spend your coffee break, and making sure you’re doing something to suit you is always going to be best. Try out a couple of these tips to keep your mind on task for work.