With a little preparation and organization, you can make sure that your kids’ health and well-being are prioritized.
When you run a business, you often find yourself run off your feet and you may let some duties and responsibilities slip as you build your business from the ground up. But when you have little ones, you need to make sure that their health and wellbeing is top of the list of your priorities, even if it does impede on your working day. The good news is that with a little preparation and organization, you can make sure that your kids’ health and well-being are prioritized at the same time as getting everything else done. Making sure they get the following checks and medical appointments can help to maximize their health while being organized can ensure that you slot them into your calendar at a convenient time! Here are a few to remember!

All children need vaccinations – unless your child is intolerant or allergic to any given vaccination, in which case, they will rely on the herd immunity of all children who can have a vaccination being vaccinated. This is a huge responsibility, not only to protect your own child, but to protect others they come into contact with too. Now, there are a number of vaccinations that your kid will need depending on their age. Here are some of the main ones that they will need over the years!
Before the age of 8 weeks
- 6 in one vaccine (protects against diphtheria, hepatitis B, Hib, polio, tetanus and whooping cough)
- Rotavirus vaccine
- MenB
Before the age of 12 weeks
- 6 in one vaccine (second dose)
- Rotavirus vaccine (second dose)
- PCV vaccine
Before the age of 16 weeks
- 6 in one vaccine (third dose)
- MenB (second dose)
1 year old
- Hib/MenC
- MMR (measles, mumps and rubella)
- PCV vaccine (second dose)
- MenB (third dose)
2 – 10 years old
- Flu vaccine (annually)
3 years and four months
- MMR (second dose)
- Pre-school booster

12 – 13 years old
- HPV vaccine
14 years old
- Teenage booster
Hearing Tests
As an adult, chances are you don’t have hearing tests regularly. They’re something that you only have when you notice significant changes to your hearing. As a child, however, there are a number of hearing tests to ensure that their sense of sound is developing as it should. If problems are noted, your little one can have a hearing aid evaluation to determine which aid will be best for them and reduce their struggle with hearing others.

Dental Check Ups
Even if your kid still has baby teeth, they need to go to the dentist for regular check-ups. Not only will this help them to get used to the dentist, reducing fear in adulthood, but it can help them to learn proper dental hygiene and a dentist can also resolve any issues such as tooth misalignment. Take your child for a checkup once every six months.
These are just a few ways you can help your child to lead the healthiest life possible. All appointments can be booked conveniently around your work!