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#Interview With Keisha Smith, founder of Trenique Lacquer @treniquelacquer
#Mompreneur, Christi Nichols, Independent Younique Presenter @christi_nichols
Interview, Jennifer and Hayley, creators of Zipit Bedding
#Interview, Shelly Ehler, founder, ShowNo Towels @shownotowels
Mompreneur Interview: Kathy Stowell, founder, Mama Bliss Coaching
#Mompreneur Rockstar, Isabella Yosuico, Founder of MightyTykes @mightytykes
Mompreneur Rockstar, Desiree Wolfe, founder of Desiree Marketing @DesireeMktg
Mompreneur Rockstar, Christina Caldwell, founder, Coco Mommy- @cocomommytweets
Mompreneur Rockstar, Natalie Norcross, founder, NatalieNorcross.com
#Mompreneur Rockstar, Keci Reynolds, Founder, The Pink Bathatique
Top 50 mompreneur blogs to follow in 2013 [Infographic] (Updated with links)