Finding out who you are is easier than ever with the internet. You can discover your personality by taking this test in a matter of minutes.
Throughout life, we must make fundamental decisions that will affect how the years play out. Finding a suitable partner is a massive challenge, but alongside that is picking a career. We need something that fits our primary personality type. Otherwise, we will be unhappy.
Employers are very interested in the characters of the people who work for them. Typically, they want conscientious, docile people who will just get on with the work and do what they tell them to do. But rarely do people look at it from the other side. They don’t think about their personality and then see which jobs fit.
Finding out who you are is easier than ever with the internet. You can discover your personality by taking this test in a matter of minutes. Once you have that information, you can use it to your advantage by choosing career paths that suit you.
Do You Like Working With People?
The first question to ask yourself is whether you like working with people. Most of us instinctively imagine that we do, but that isn’t always true. Some workers are genuinely better off working from home by themselves or spending days out in the field, away from the main office.
Mostly it comes down to whether you are introverted or extraverted. People who are introverted need time to themselves to recharge their batteries. Working in frenetic, social environments, therefore, isn’t the best option for them. In contrast, extraverts need the energy of others to feel as though they’re moving forward.
Are You Creative Or Practical?
The next thing to ask yourself is whether you are creative or practical. Sometimes, you can be both.
Where possible, try not to think about superficial artistic traits – such as a fondness of painting. Instead, think about which type of activities motivate you the most. Being creative takes all kinds of forms in the business world. It’s not just about creating music or writing novels. It is about coming up with practical solutions to problems.
Likewise, being practical means more than being adept with your hands. It also involves figuring out how to solve problems on the ground and following processes accurately.
If you’re a diligent person, you’ll want to go into a process-orientated job – something where you do a similar thing every day. If you’re creative, then you’ll want new challenges each time you go to work and new problems to solve.
Are You A Thinker?
Are you somebody who prefers research, theory, and understanding complex issues? If so, then you’re probably a thinker.
Thinkers need to be careful when approaching the job market. By nature, they’re not practical people, interested in the nuts and bolts of an issue. Instead, they seek mastery in terms of ideas – that’s where they get their kicks.
Thinkers tend to make more exceptional social scientists and college professors. They also do well in engineering professions, as well as being thinkers.
Are you working in a career that matches your personality type? Or do you need a change of scene?