From fender benders to more serious pile-ups, car accidents can be stressful at the least and devastating at the most.
From fender benders to more serious pile-ups, car accidents can be stressful at the least and devastating at the most. However, unless you have been in a car accident yourself, you might not realize just how lasting some of the effects can be. Here are just a few of the surprisingly long-lasting effects of a car accident.

The legalities
Whether the accident was your fault or not, there is likely to be a lot of paperwork to deal with, as well as police interviews and insurance claims. You might find yourself wondering: how much can someone sue for a car accident? These types of worries can keep you up at night, and it’s important that you do everything by the book from the moment the accident happens. This includes keeping a detailed record of the accident and taking photos to document any damage.
Even if you aren’t injured physically, a car accident can really knock your confidence, and it isn’t uncommon to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder after a car crash. You might find yourself having flashbacks, or avoiding getting into a vehicle. If you do find your mental health suffering after an accident, the best thing you can do is talk to someone and seek some extra support if you need it. It is completely understandable to feel anxious after something like this, so don’t be afraid to ask for help, either from friends and family or a professional.

There are a few ways that a car accident can affect your finances. Of course, if your car is damaged, it might cost a lot to get it fixed, or it may even be a total write-off, depending on the severity. If you are injured, you may have to take some time off work, and if you aren’t eligible for sick pay, you might find yourself hugely out of pocket. This increases even more so if you use your car as part of your job, for example, if you are a courier or driver.
One of the biggest long-lasting effects of a car accident is any injuries you may have. Whiplash is incredibly common after a car accident, due to the force of the collision, and it can take a long time to heal – in fact, some back problems never go away, and may flare up periodically. You may also experience cuts, bumps, concussions, and broken bones. Some symptoms may not even present themselves right away, so it’s important to be aware of delayed signs, such as headaches and numbness in your arms.

It is so important to be careful and aware when you’re driving. Always wear a seatbelt and never get into a car with someone who has been drinking. It can be easy to get complacent when we drive so often, but it’s vital to remember that the road isn’t always a safe place, and 10 seconds of distraction can cause a lot of long-lasting damage.