This article is aimed at moms – those who want to strive in their careers at the same time as raising well-rounded, loving and inspired children.

For some women, their vocational career ends when they become a mom, and their parenting career begins. For others, the dual responsibilities of maintaining a family while maintaining and augmenting a career proves too juicy a challenge to avoid. 

This article is aimed at the latter type of moms – those who want to strive in their careers at the same time as raising well-rounded, loving and inspired children. Raising a child is a career in itself, and an important job; however, there is a way to be a mom but also a career woman, too. 

With tips to help your boss your career long after your maternity leave ends, you’ll find inspiration below to enhance your career prospects, climbing higher on the career ladder as a result.

Assess Your Options

As a new mom, you’re going to have to do some thinking about your new limitations, responsibilities, and modes of living once you’ve given birth to a wonderful new child. You should, too, think about your priorities moving forwards. Would you like to move into the kind of position in which you can take time off on the fly, when necessary, for the benefit of your children? Or, would you like to resume your career with a new energy, attempting to climb quickly into more senior positions in order to afford top-quality child-care?

These kinds of options should ordinarily be discussed with your partner or spouse, as it might well be possible that they can drop down to a part-time or work-from-home position in order to help raise your children as you progress with your career. Once you’ve set some markers for the next months and years, it’s time to start working towards them in the workplace.

Work Out Childcare Arrangements

After this initial assessment period, you should tightly organize your childcare options so that you’re sure that your child or children are in safe hands for the duration of your time in the workplace. This might involve anything from pre-school arrangements to hiring a nanny or using another kind of childcare service to help you dedicate more time to your job.

It’s also a good time to talk to your boss about the flexibility that your company can offer to parents who’re naturally sometimes required to devote more of their energies to their child. Some of the larger companies that operate throughout the US actually pay for or provide childcare support through their employee benefit schemes. Others are well aware of the responsibilities you have towards your children, and are ready to help you find a balance as you recommence your dedicated work.

Think About Your Next Big Step

Whichever line of work you’re in, you shouldn’t see your career as fixed or static. In fact, you’ll be able to set new goals and objectives for your career once you return to work. Do you want to remain at your company for the next few years, slowly working up through the ranks? Would you prefer to move somewhere new? In this case, it might be time to reform your CV and start scouring job sites.

You might even consider a sea-change in your career. Stimulated by a new qualification that’ll help you work to a higher wage in a more exciting and fulfilling line of work. Attain a civil engineering degree online in Canada in order to qualify for positions that’ll pay better. Value more talented and learned individuals. Studying online courses is a wonderful way to achieve more in your working life. Getting the technical know-how on board to apply for more dazzling and professional positions that’ll help finance a better quality of life for your family.

Maintain a Ruthless Streak

In business, a ruthless streak can be of great use when it comes to hunting down your personal goals and objectives. If you’re after a new position in your company, be assertive and consistent in your conversations with your bosses. If you feel you are due a pay raise, make sure to schedule a one-on-one meeting with your boss. Talk about your value to your company. If you are thinking about making a move to a different company, start planning early. So that you can achieve the position that you desire. While working, ensure that you:

  • Produce the best-quality work that you can, finished punctually and to perfection
  • Liaise well with team members, colleagues and clients, maintaining professional conduct at all times
  • Be willing to put in extra hours in order to hit tough deadlines reliably
  • Go the extra mile by helping colleagues with their work. Maintaining a friendly persona to build a healthy office environment
  • Ask for extra training and more responsibilities so that you’re always gaining more experience on the job

With the above working ethos under your belt, you’re sure to impress your colleagues, clients, and higher-ups. The people who’ll value your input to your company and will speak highly of you whether you’re applying for a promotion or a position in a different job.

Never Give Up On a Dream

Many new mothers feel contented enough in early motherhood to quietly usher their life’s dreams into the past. Accepting that motherhood is a wonderful substitute for ambitious career progression or whatever other barometer they might have set for success. It’s an understandable mindset. One that’s not without its lovely perks. This article is all about inspiring you to keep bearing your dreams in mind irrespective of your new responsibilities towards your child.

Put simply, having children does not prevent you from achieving your dreams. This mindset is unhelpful and demotivating, and is a sure way to avoid reaching your potential. Instead, see your new motherhood as an opportunity, and your new child or children to provide inspiration to go out and get what you’ve always dreamed of achieving. One day, if you maintain this positive mindset, you’ll provide your children with an inspiring and successful role model to follow in the footsteps of themselves.

How to Boss Your Career as a Mom
How to Boss Your Career as a Mom

Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

Whether this means working on side projects outside of work, preparing to start your own business, working hard to achieve a managerial or directorial position in your company, or saving the money to live an alternative and exciting lifestyle, you should see children as a wonderful and inspiring milestone in your life. There is a way to be both a working professional and a mother.

How to Boss Your Career as a Mom appeared first on Mompreneur Media