Wouldn’t it be great if there was a set of blog rules to follow to make sure you have the best year ever for your blog?
You’re in luck because there are. Of course success ultimately depends on how you interpret these blog rules but here they are to give you the start you need. Where you go with it, is up to you.

Get your sexy on—online that is
Just like with your wardrobe, start with the basics. Get a WordPress site. If you don’t already have a hosting plan purchase and install GoDaddy. GoDaddy.com has affordable domain names and WordPress hosting packages.
Make sure it’s a self-hosted WordPress site. The importance of having a self-hosted site is that you have more control over your site and content. With a hosted WordPress.com site you have to follow certain sets of rules for the content and monetization. With a self-hosted site you set the rules and you control what happens with your site. In other words you’re in control. You get to work your independence baby.
But you don’t just want that independence you want to look good too. Make sure you have an excellent web design. Why? Because that’s what new visitors see first. Sure, we’ve been taught not to judge a book by its cover, but c’mon, an impressive looking site that functions well and is easy to navigate makes an irresistible first impression.
How your website looks is just as important as the content. If your readers decide to leave because of a boring web design then your content never had a chance.
Be you in all your fabulousness
To run a successful blog you need to have a definite online personality. So you really have a lot of flexibility to be you. There are a few elements you need to put into place to let that personality shine:
Find your voice. Be creative. Be Social
As you start your blog there’s probably someone you have in mind that impresses you. A favorite writer or blogger whose style you like. That’s OK. Use those influences to discover your own voice. Write like you are talking to your readers directly. Use a casual style to relay information. Blogging is different than any other style of writing. Textbooks are written to give you information. Bloggers write to communicate a message.
Carry that social persona and use it to build relationships using social networks. Encourage readers to share those excellent blog posts you write by including social network links at the end of your posts so people can share your content. Developing those relationships will help you grow your blog.
Further develop relationships with your readers by going above and beyond their expectations. Blow their minds. Make sure your posts are helpful and fun. Get creative. Include videos or freebies in your content to change things up a bit.
Don’t neglect SEO
You need to make sure your writing gets found. Search engines rank the most relevant content highest. So you want to make sure search engines find your wonderful content by incorporating the right keywords in titles, descriptions and meta tags.
Then be consistent with those writing those posts. Consistency brings traffic. It gives visitors more content to share and search engines more content to index. If you’re like me and have a hard time being consistent you may even invite guests to blog for you to change it up a bit. Just make sure to create a balance. Try alternating posts to make sure your voice remains prominent.
Above all have fun
Building an audience takes time. Focus on what you’re doing and don’t compare yourself to others. Make sure you’re enjoying what you do and have fun. Without the fun you’ll get bored fast and your audience will sense it as well. Put the passion in your blog and make 2013 the best year ever for your blog.
Have any blog rules of your own?
Great advice! I am always working on my SEO and I have my blog on Blue host and domain from godaddy as well. Here’s to all having a great year in blogging!
There is always SEO to be done. Seems like a never ending thing but so worth it!
GREAT POST! Gets me all pumped up about posting!
Great ideas Nicole! Definitely use great images with your content…. lots of people are very visual and Pinterest is such a huge and rapidly growing network for sharing that visual part of your content. 🙂