For many Moms, they find the solution to their desire for a profitable business comes in the beauty niche
After all, beauty one of the most expensive industries in the country. Beauty as a whole generated nearly $50billion worth of business in 2015 – and that number just keeps on growing.
So there’s definitely a customer demand, and there’s even more of a customer demand for the weird and interesting of beauty. Many of the regular household name brands aren’t particularly distinguishable from one another, offering variations on the same themes. Online indie beauty, on the other hand, offers unique, interesting products that help to capture the imagination of customers who are tired of the same old, same old.
5 reasons why a beauty business could work for you.Click To Tweet
Given this combination of an eager customer base and the ability to create something truly interesting, becoming an indie beauty product producer could be just what you need to make your business dreams a reality.
Maybe you need a little extra convincing, especially if you don’t have a background in making beauty and skincare products. Read on and you’ll see why so many Moms are choosing this for their business, and what it could offer for you…
1) The Easy Entrance
If you have never thought about making your own beauty products, you could be forgiven for thinking it’s incredibly expensive. After all, the major brands tend to have huge labs that are the home of dozens of scientists – how could you possibly compete?
The answer is “quite simply”, especially if you don’t mind experimenting with an idea until you find something that works. First, you need to choose a product. Lipstick is an eternal favorite, so let’s use that as an example. A quick Google and you’ll find simple introductions on how to make lipstick; there’s one at Wellness Mama or perhaps you’d prefer the one found at InSonnetsKitchen. These are but two examples; there’s plenty more besides.
When you have a basic product, you can begin experimenting to create different shades, finishes, and intriguing looks. Take a glance through Etsy and you will see thousands of different offerings, any one of which could inspire you on your own thoughts.
2) It’s Not Just Makeup
The term “beauty” is usually used as a catch-all for makeup and skincare. So if you don’t want to play around with Mica powders and pigmentation, then you could always look to sell your own handmade skincare products. There’s a thousand and one options online, such as customizing oil selections to use in the oil cleansing method or even just simple lip balms.
There’s a huge call for beauty products of all kinds that are made with a short, simple list of ingredients. Consumers are becoming more and more concerned about the long, complicated chemicals that are listed on conventional beauty products, so they are more likely than ever to opt for something simple that’s done well.
3) It’s An Established Industry
As the above alludes to, entering this market would be stepping into a fully-functional area of business that is nevertheless always thirsty for new innovation.
With the popularity of beauty blogging, it’s never been easier to get your start. Brand ambassadors on social media can give you a following almost overnight if you have the funds in your advertising budget, helping to draw interested customers to your new products. Given that true devotees of makeup are always willing to try something new, investigate the practicalities with companies such as TSM Agency, who can help connect you with an ambassador to launch you into the industry.
Big things can come from small starts. You could begin just by selling on Etsy and eBay, eventually branching out into running your own online store. The great benefit to this is that it’s an established pathway; many have done it, and many will do so in the future. Why should you be denied a slice of a very profitable pie?
4) It Exercises Creativity
To make an online, handmade beauty business work, you have to be creative. If you’ve been sitting behind a desk for too long and have been yearning for something to bring out that side of you, then it could be just what you need.
Not only will you have the freedom to experiment with the recipes that you make, but you can also toy with packaging and promotional items. Sourcing packaging is surprisingly easy; just look on eBay to buy plain packaging in bulk. From there, you can brand your products with their own unique identity that is all of your own making.
If you have been searching for a business idea that will truly test you and make you have to think outside the box, then few enterprises will offer quite the same challenge.

5) There’s Always A Place For Beauty
As the size of the beauty industry shows, even in troubled economic times there is always a place for beauty. Women will always want to look better, and feel better about themselves, and they will always be open to new products and innovations that will let them do it.
There’s also always a place for a beauty business in your life. You don’t need expensive equipment; you can begin with small measurements of your ingredients and build up from there. If you’ve got a kitchen, some spare equipment, and the time to spend tampering with recipes until they produce the result you want, then you’re off to a flying start. Over time you can bulk buy your ingredients to lower your costs, but you can start small and then see how things develop from there.
A Note Of Caution
One thing you need to be aware of is being careful with the claims you make about your products’ efficacy; don’t promise amazing skin or a 12-hour lasting mascara while you’re starting out. You can suggest it, but not outright state it. And if you do hit on a recipe that can offer those things, over time you can expand and ensure you meet the legislation that allows you to backup your claims.
So why not give it a try?